Anyone else doing Keto?


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Jan 25, 2007
Trust me , i eat all of the food groups , several times a day .
For breakfast this morning i had 3 eggs over easy , loaded hashbrowns , no pork ., French toast no powdered sugar, 1/2 pink grapefruit, chicken fried steak .
Lunch will be a bit lighter , but Salmon , green vegetables, mashed potatoes.
Dinner tonight i will have a Rib Eye steak medium rare , mashed sweet potatoes, and i have not decided what vegetables yet.
Desert will be ice cream and pie probably since we still have a bit of pie from the holiday's.
I have been a carpenter in heavy construction most of my life , so exercise, i get plenty .
Muscle mass , maybe not as much as 20 years ago , but i am not a weakling
you simply don’t eat enough and likely don’t support your diet with nutrient dense food sources that can help aid in overall growth and recovery.

The process is simple though, caloric surplus- gain weight, deficit- lose weight. Railing macros around what a given personal nutritional and performance demands are with in that total caloric structure will aid in growth of muscle tissue in conjunction with exercise.
Just an example of my eatting and nutritional intake , as well as daily exercise.


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Jul 4, 2017
All you Keto diet people keep saying you lost weight, but we need to know where you started.

we are adults, there’s no body shaming up in here.

I’m just curious what kind of improvements people around my weight can see in a few months.

Well I started July 24, 2018 and I was at 276 and I’m 5’ 10 1/2” ish and was 46. I lost 16 pounds the first month and it just kept coming off. December 7th 2018 I stepped on the scale at 221. From then on I have more or less maintained my weight. This morning I was 223. I ate what I wanted during the holidays and have been back at it for about 10 days. I was feeling pretty crappy again and woke up this morning feeling back to myself and energetic. I did get the so called keto flue when I first started but I’ve read since then that vitamins will help with that.

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Dec 9, 2002
not at my post...
Uncle Meat, I think you, and most people with sedentary jobs, could benefit from 30 minutes of light cardio 4 or 5 times a week. Also, a little muscle on your frame could help burn some calories. You don’t have to spend hours in the gym or be a bodybuilder. Just food for thought. Please keep us updated on your diet and progress. I don’t think I would have the willpower for that diet.

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bingo, muscle burns calories, fat...added muscle mass is definitely beneficial towards keeping a leaner physique.


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Nov 11, 2019
Before trying the keto diet, I was ~205. I'm 6'1" so it's not really like I was huge, but I don't have a naturally muscular build. I was 6'1" in high school and wrestled in the 145 weight class. Haha

My problem is that I'm a glutton. I love to eat. When I went to AF basic training, I put on 10lbs just from eating. I actually did less push-ups and sit-ups at the end of it than I did going in, I only improved my 2 mile run time.

The nice thing about being on the keto diet, is that I can eat a lot when I eat. I usually have 1 or 2 meals a day now. I like that I can scramble 9 eggs and eat until I get full and still maintain a healthy weight.

I went from 205 to 165 just by changing my diet. I didn't start exercising at first. I saw a picture of myself and I looked scrawny, so I joined a gymnasium. Now I stay around 170-175 and have more muscle than I've ever had. At 37, I'm wearing the same size jeans I wore when I was in my early 20s but weigh more thanks to lifting weights. I feel mentally sharp and I don't feel like I have spikes and dips in my energy levels throughout the day.

Uncle Meat

Zircon Encrusted Tweezers
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Sep 22, 2002
Prattville, Alabama
Uncle Meat, I think you, and most people with sedentary jobs, could benefit from 30 minutes of light cardio 4 or 5 times a week. Also, a little muscle on your frame could help burn some calories. You don’t have to spend hours in the gym or be a bodybuilder. Just food for thought. Please keep us updated on your diet and progress. I don’t think I would have the willpower for that diet.

bingo, muscle burns calories, fat...added muscle mass is definitely beneficial towards keeping a leaner physique.
Oh I get plenty of cardio on the job. I may be a sedentary IT guy, but I work in a large building and I have numerous briefings every day which I have to attend. So I'm marching from one end of the building/floor to the other pretty regularly. Here's a just now screen cap of my FitBit for today.




Well-Known Member
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Jun 7, 2007
woodbine, MD
Trust me , i eat all of the food groups , several times a day .
For breakfast this morning i had 3 eggs over easy , loaded hashbrowns , no pork ., French toast no powdered sugar, 1/2 pink grapefruit, chicken fried steak .
Lunch will be a bit lighter , but Salmon , green vegetables, mashed potatoes.
Dinner tonight i will have a Rib Eye steak medium rare , mashed sweet potatoes, and i have not decided what vegetables yet.
Desert will be ice cream and pie probably since we still have a bit of pie from the holiday's.
I have been a carpenter in heavy construction most of my life , so exercise, i get plenty .
Muscle mass , maybe not as much as 20 years ago , but i am not a weakling

Just an example of my eatting and nutritional intake , as well as daily exercise.

sounds pretty balanced it’s just not enough volume then. You also have what seems a pretty active lifestyle so it just means more cals burnt daily. I too struggle with this. Also you could look at your testosterone levels as that can impact it.

I went through similar for years so I get it. Not till I worked with a coach and tracked what I ate through tracking macros and adjusting as needed did I see weight increase. For me to see weight go up I have to eat around 4500-4800 cals a day and I sit in the low 190s lbs. that doesn’t seem like a lot on paper to eat but day in and day out it’s tiring. You’re likely in the same boat


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Dec 16, 2006
Keto diets put quite a damper on testosterone levels. Something a lotta men overlook when considering this diet. Ketosis occurs by depleting your body of stored glycogen and incoming glucose from carbs. As a result, your body breaks down fat, creating ketone molecules to be used as fuel.

Its not so good if ur a man and trying to gain any sort of muscle while dieting or keep any muscle for that matter. Keto is ok for fat loss if that is ur only goal but just know it comes with some down sides.

You need glucose from carbs to stimulate the hormone that produces Testosterone. Low carbs also lead to higher levels of cortisol which is ur body stress hormone. Cortisol is a pure Testosterone killer.

And when cortisol levels are high for a long time your body begins to store fat. Without proper glucose ur body will make glucose from stored amino acids in ur liver. Ur body will then pillage muscle tissue for energy.

And the fact is most ppl who undertake this diet gain it all back almost instantly after quitting and u cant stay on this type of diet forever so imo its just not a good way to lose weight.

this is all wrong. You can get sugars else where, therefore you don't need the carbs. white breads are pasta are SHIT for the body. Low carb diet is the way to do. Do you think the cave men were eating carbs every day ? **** no. Chicken and fish, bitch !


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Dec 16, 2006
chicken, fish, vegetables ....1 red meat each week. plus exercise, that's all you need ....


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Beer Money Bros.
Oct 14, 2010
Middle Earth
That made me LOL literally..... Who said anything about getting SUGAR only? So sugars is all ur body needs huh lmao..... smh. Maybe u should educate urself on what a carbohydrate is..... Carbs consists of (3) different nutrients being starches, sugars and fibre.

A sugar is a simple carb. Ur body needs more than simple carbs to function properly Bitch! Complex carbs pack more nutrients in the body than a simple carb does like adding fibre and starch. Fiber is especially important because it promotes ur bowel movement regularity and helps to control ur cholesterol levels.

So Caveman didn't eat carbs? Dude, u really need to educate urself before u come into a discussion about something ur clearly CLUELESS about! A caveman diet was rich in carbohydrates! Ppl been eating bread for 14,000 years now along with acorns and many other forms of carbohydrates.

Try doing a little research next time so u dont sound so ignorant.....:rolleyes:

this is all wrong. You can get sugars else where, therefore you don't need the carbs. white breads are pasta are SHIT for the body. Low carb diet is the way to do. Do you think the cave men were eating carbs every day ? **** no. Chicken and fish, bitch !


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Nov 11, 2019
My uncle is a caveman. He gets all his carbs from beer.

I can’t believe how stupid some people are. It’s like... pshh!.. ya’ know? I mean... get a clue people! I can’t believe how nutrition discussions turn into people who feel the need to act so smarter then others people.


Well-Known Member
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Jun 7, 2007
woodbine, MD
chicken, fish, vegetables ....1 red meat each week. plus exercise, that's all you need ....
If anything you’d want more red meat as it is a far more nutrient dense meat to chicken.

That aside let’s not say “low carb” is the best diet. Every person responds differently and as such they should find what works best for them. The major factor is and always will be cals in vs cals out for the average person.


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Jun 7, 2007
woodbine, MD
That made me LOL literally..... Who said anything about getting SUGAR only? So sugars is all ur body needs huh lmao..... smh. Maybe u should educate urself on what a carbohydrate is..... Carbs consists of (3) different nutrients being starches, sugars and fibre.

A sugar is a simple carb. Ur body needs more than simple carbs to function properly Bitch! Complex carbs pack more nutrients in the body than a simple carb does like adding fibre and starch. Fiber is especially important because it promotes ur bowel movement regularity and helps to control ur cholesterol levels.

So Caveman didn't eat carbs? Dude, u really need to educate urself before u come into a discussion about something ur clearly CLUELESS about! A caveman diet was rich in carbohydrates! Ppl been eating bread for 14,000 years now along with acorns and many other forms of carbohydrates.

Try doing a little research next time so u dont sound so ignorant.....:rolleyes:

the body does not “need” carbs. That in itself is a fallacy. Now when structured with the right carb sources there is a wealth of nutrients to be had, and even with items like sugar, bread etc can someone tailor that into a diet to perform better.

they just aren’t a needed item. I’m favorable towards carbs myself but I don’t think we should be creating false information.


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Beer Money Bros.
Oct 14, 2010
Middle Earth
Not only do your cells need carbohydrates but your brain is entirely dependent on glucose for energy. Carbs help maintain blood glucose during exercise and restore muscle glycogen during ur rest and recovery from training. Ur body absolutely needs Carbs bro!

Carbohydrates also contain tryptophan which helps the body produce feel good hormones. The brain prefers glucose derived from Carbs that is known scientific FACT! The Brain cannot run on Ketones alone, at least not for an extended period of time. Carbs also protect Protein in the body otherwise ur body will use it as fuel. Protein provides Amino acids for the muscle. If Proteins are being used as fuel ur not able to feed ur muscles.

Glucose is very important. It’s the only fuel that releases its energy without oxygen. Just as we have converted glucose in our blood for instant energy. A survival technique for the body. Lack of proper glucose from carbs going to the brain is also being studied as a direct culprit of Dementia.

Ketones are an alternative source of energy from the Brain. The brain prefers glucose from carbohydrates.

the body does not “need” carbs. That in itself is a fallacy. Now when structured with the right carb sources there is a wealth of nutrients to be had, and even with items like sugar, bread etc can someone tailor that into a diet to perform better.

they just aren’t a needed item. I’m favorable towards carbs myself but I don’t think we should be creating false information.


Well-Known Member
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Jun 7, 2007
woodbine, MD
Not only do your cells need carbohydrates but your brain is entirely dependent on glucose for energy. Carbs help maintain blood glucose during exercise and restore muscle glycogen during ur rest and recovery from training. Ur body absolutely needs Carbs bro!

Carbohydrates also contain tryptophan which helps the body produce feel good hormones. The brain prefers glucose derived from Carbs that is known scientific FACT! The Brain cannot run on Ketones alone, at least not for an extended period of time. Carbs also protect Protein in the body otherwise ur body will use it as fuel. Protein provides Amino acids for the muscle. If Proteins are being used as fuel ur not able to feed ur muscles.

Glucose is very important. It’s the only fuel that releases its energy without oxygen. Just as we have converted glucose in our blood for instant energy. A survival technique for the body. Lack of proper glucose from carbs going to the brain is also being studied as a direct culprit of Dementia.

Ketones are an alternative source of energy from the Brain. The brain prefers glucose from carbohydrates.

There is plenty of science that backs the body being able to utilize ketones. Also the body still can get its needs through the liver as it will covert glycogen to glucose.

again I’m a fan of carbs and prefer flexible dieting but there is a lot of emerging science that’s backing a ketogenic diet and it is a great alternative to those that don’t function as well with carbs, and those looking to better stabilize their energy levels through the day.

Now the jury is still out about things like the carnivore diet but it’ll be interesting to see how that one goes for people long term as it’s gaining more main stream popularity and people are further studying how the body functions on that.


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Beer Money Bros.
Oct 14, 2010
Middle Earth
I guess the bottom line is we really dont know exactly how everything works and new diets pop up all the time and some work for some and not for others. Thats simply cause were all different I guess.

The keto diet just hasn't been around long enough to say conclusively if its gonna work in the long term. To me personally there is a mountain of evidence that it wont and will fade in time. What's misleading about a Keto diet to most that start it is the initial weight u lose is all water and it happens pretty fast so people get all excited thinking they're losing fat immediately. They're not.

It does seem to jump start peoples motivation tho. But most then hit the wall and aren't losing weight as rapidly as they did at first and lose hope and motivation and quit like 95% of the ppl who start diets do.

Everyone is looking for the magic formula or diet to lose weight vs. simply limiting they're caloric intake daily cause they're cravings for food is so dam high!

Anyone who has a gastric bypass surgery seems to lose like a 100 lbs within 6 months. That is simply a result of eating less caloric portions at each sitting period! Instead of having the discipline to eat less ppl look for these fancy diets to do for them.

If ur eating properly in proper portions than carbs are not the enemy they are ur friend cause they give u the required energy to workout in the gym as well. But lets face it working out in the gym is NOT how ppl lose weight. A hour of cardio is worth like (1) Chocolate chip cookie..... weight lose comes from eating less calories. Nothing more, nothing less.


Well-Known Member
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Dec 16, 2006
That made me LOL literally..... Who said anything about getting SUGAR only? So sugars is all ur body needs huh lmao..... smh. Maybe u should educate urself on what a carbohydrate is..... Carbs consists of (3) different nutrients being starches, sugars and fibre.

A sugar is a simple carb. Ur body needs more than simple carbs to function properly Bitch! Complex carbs pack more nutrients in the body than a simple carb does like adding fibre and starch. Fiber is especially important because it promotes ur bowel movement regularity and helps to control ur cholesterol levels.

So Caveman didn't eat carbs? Dude, u really need to educate urself before u come into a discussion about something ur clearly CLUELESS about! A caveman diet was rich in carbohydrates! Ppl been eating bread for 14,000 years now along with acorns and many other forms of carbohydrates.

Try doing a little research next time so u dont sound so ignorant.....:rolleyes:
the problem is people are eating large amounts of WHITE breads and carbs. Pizza, pasta, fries, blah blah blah. THAT's the problem I am referring to. Why do you have such a huge boner for carbs?


Well-Known Member
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Jun 7, 2007
woodbine, MD
I guess the bottom line is we really dont know exactly how everything works and new diets pop up all the time and some work for some and not for others. Thats simply cause were all different I guess.

The keto diet just hasn't been around long enough to say conclusively if its gonna work in the long term. To me personally there is a mountain of evidence that it wont and will fade in time. What's misleading about a Keto diet to most that start it is the initial weight u lose is all water and it happens pretty fast so people get all excited thinking they're losing fat immediately. They're not.

It does seem to jump start peoples motivation tho. But most then hit the wall and aren't losing weight as rapidly as they did at first and lose hope and motivation and quit like 95% of the ppl who start diets do.

Everyone is looking for the magic formula or diet to lose weight vs. simply limiting they're caloric intake daily cause they're cravings for food is so dam high!

Anyone who has a gastric bypass surgery seems to lose like a 100 lbs within 6 months. That is simply a result of eating less caloric portions at each sitting period! Instead of having the discipline to eat less ppl look for these fancy diets to do for them.

If ur eating properly in proper portions than carbs are not the enemy they are ur friend cause they give u the required energy to workout in the gym as well. But lets face it working out in the gym is NOT how ppl lose weight. A hour of cardio is worth like (1) Chocolate chip cookie..... weight lose comes from eating less calories. Nothing more, nothing less.

yes I talked about cals in vs cals our above. I don’t think I’d consider keto new. While it’s come into mainstream lately it’s been around and researched for the better part of the pst 20 years. The diet has great medical benefits as well for those with autoimmune diseases, epilepsy, and has even been shown to help the body fight some, I stress some, forms of cancer cells.

the reality, most people aren’t willing to track what they eat. Much less do they even know how much caloric intake they should be having. Carbs aren’t at all the enemy, neither is sugar, caloric surplus and laziness is for most people.


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Aug 20, 2003
Aiken, SC
Right now Keto is the latest Fad. Has it's pros and its cons. All diets that work break down to simplest form including Keto. Understand what foods you are putting in your body and how much is going in. Take in less and you lose weight. I do Macros instead of Keto. I get to eat pizza, hamburgers, tacos, steak and so on but I balance it. This diet is easy to do because no foods are prohibited. I don't crave anything because nothing is off the menu. The big down fall is you really need to do food prep to make the math easier.

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