Tesla is dead


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Jun 1, 2004
Probably because they never accomplished anything with their own money.
Are you referring to the people wishing Musk to fail or Musk?

Smart people use other people's money to make money. Look what Buffet did. I am not going to laugh at someone like that! It's impressive, even if you hate it.


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Jun 1, 2004


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Jun 1, 2004
It has had a bad, years surviving off of everybody else dollar other than musk. Musk is a genius as he’s taken crappy company, received billions in other investments and billions from the government, all while making billions off of a company who can’t turn a profit!
It’s a multi billion dollar Ponzi scheme led by musk.

Think about it, they could not turn a profit with billions of subsidies and no competition for 15 years.
Our entire economy is a Ponzi scheme. Amazon was also not profitable initially. It takes a lot of guts to start and operate a company like Tesla.

The Amazon Era: No Profits, No Problem


Finish First
Established Member
Jul 7, 2003
Currently in Sonoma County
Are you referring to the people wishing Musk to fail or Musk?

Smart people use other people's money to make money. Look what Buffet did. I am not going to laugh at someone like that! It's impressive, even if you hate it.
Buffett is completely different. He built his wealth on betting on companies with his money. Only recently did his mystique grow to his skill in valuing industries.

Truth is Tesla is an awful company with terrible finances. It’s still way overvalued.

Musk will offer value to world as a whole if and only if he can create a way to hold solar power. No one can hold solar power for a year to be used when they want it. Today whatever houses collect is sold back to the electric company to be used and sold by someone else.
The company that breaks this hurdle will be instant billionaires or more...

Why on earth would anyone want an American company that hires Americans builds in America and actually contribute to the economy to die? Why would you not wish success to a company that operates in our country unlike many?

Yes I want him to fail and yes it’s a selfish ask. Here’s why. Musk never does anything unless he can profit from it.
He could care less for the environment unless he can make millions/billions of dollars. He talks about co2 while taking hundreds of private plane flights around the world every year. He has new ideas that only his new companies can be the sole profiteer, instead of the bidding process everybody else has to go through. Then he wagers others peoples money to do that. My idea is so good but I won’t back it with my money I’ll get others to do that. What soulless backstabbing bastard!
When anyone disagrees with him all he makes a mockery of himself by his grade school name calling.
He is not a servant of the people, he only cares about his bottom line.

I just want him to be gone and not Tesla in general.


Finish First
Established Member
Jul 7, 2003
Currently in Sonoma County
Our entire economy is a Ponzi scheme. Amazon was also not profitable initially. It takes a lot of guts to start and operate a company like Tesla.

The Amazon Era: No Profits, No Problem
Another company I can’t stand. Haha.
Elon did not start Tesla. Whether Tesla fails or is purchased Elon made a fortune off of the investors and government. Not bad for a bankrupt company.


Hell Yes!
Established Member
Nov 23, 2012
Southern Mo.
If they made gas engine cars, that make noise & a lil pollution, I'd like them better.
I hope I don't live to the time that our cars are obsolete & electric is the norm.
Electric. Does anyone realize what sources are providing electricity?
Those nasty fossil fuels.


Get ready to fly!
Established Member
Nov 2, 2008
Naperville, Il
Why does everyone want them to fail? I get it if your a dealership owner or work for a competitor, but it seems like so many people want them to fail just to laugh.

Because Tesla is about as anti capitalistic as a company can get, and doesnt follow ANY rules that a true free market business does....

Tesla/Musk is about equivalent to a spoiled trust fund kid that has unlimited funds and never truely earned a dime. Except their funds come from taxpayers... Kind of hard to support a business that is always in the red for 15 years, and shows no true signs of being a profitable business down the road. How do you justify pumping more money into that business plan?


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Premium Member
Jan 18, 2018
Musk to me has the same negativity directed at him as Trump. They are both threats to their establishments.

He does a lot of questionable/illegal shit. His claim that he had an offer to sell company at $420 to blow out the shorts was a blatant violation of securities law. He lies constantly about production and earnings. There is now a lot of questions about the representations that he has made about Space X capabilities. Rolling the solar company into Tesla was an obvious attempt at hiding a bankruptcy. The Tesla board and the rest of his companies are all interconnected and stacked with his cronies. Musk is a visionary but a con man at the same time.

Yes I want him to fail and yes it’s a selfish ask. Here’s why. Musk never does anything unless he can profit from it.

Good. Greed is good. It is what drives markets and progress. You want him to be a car jesus that is doing what he is doing for "the good of society," whatever that means? I prefer a world that if you have a good idea you can bring it to market and be rewarded with material wealth.

Because Tesla is about as anti capitalistic as a company can get, and doesnt follow ANY rules that a true free market business does....

Free market, ha. Just in the auto sector you have had GM bailout, cash for clunkers, and an entire foreign policy that revolves around Saudi oil. Not to mention the rejiggering of NAFTA which was mostly about subsidizing US labor through auto content rules. Musk's subsidies are actually pretty minor.
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Well-Known Member
Established Member
May 31, 2010
Empire State
Are you referring to the people wishing Musk to fail or Musk?

Smart people use other people's money to make money. Look what Buffet did. I am not going to laugh at someone like that! It's impressive, even if you hate it.
I'm talking about Musk.
Buffet takes people's money and gives them back more. Musk takes money(subsidies) and gives people a depreciating entity along with empty promises. I'm not against electric cars I just don't like Musk.


Established Member
Mar 7, 2017
Future is in electric cars. Everybody now is joining the movement. Thank you Tesla. **** me. Good thing I won't be alive to miss the roaring thunder of mustangs leaving car shows ploughing everything in their path


Show me your Members
Established Member
Jan 23, 2012
Toronto, ON
Why on earth would anyone want an American company that hires Americans builds in America and actually contribute to the economy to die? Why would you not wish success to a company that operates in our country unlike many?

Wish success? They were doomed the start! If any other automaker would run their company the way Tesla is ran, they would be bankrupt in a month! Tesla is a overvalued(because it is treated like a tech stock, not a car company stock) and a poorly ran company that over promises and under delivers. Tesla is unprofitable, rarely has a GAAP profit, and full of debt. The blue-sky visionary that Musk has is riddled with problems such as very bad build quality and an inability to make a car profitably. Tesla has constantly missed production targets (remember 500k units by end of 2018?) and when they were building them initially, it was by hand because they had issues with their own prototype parts.

A lot of people consider Tesla a start up, but that is so far from the truth. Tesla is not a startup, they have been in business since 2003 and yet they are so far behind the game. Tesla only exists now because it sells their energy credits to other companies. Tesla managed to turn the world class NUMMI plant in California, which was known for their high quality and highly productive employees into a cesspool of poor build quality and inefficiency. At it's peak, NUMMI(owned by Toyota) built 435,000 cars with just 4200 employees. Under Tesla, the same plant struggles to make 100,000 cars with more than twice the employees.


It's to big to move FAST!
Established Member
Sep 4, 2002
Here/there/some other silly place
NUMMI was a joint venture plant with GM not strictly a Toyota only plant. Just to reinforce the number of vehicles they produced.

Again when I see (Highly doubtful) Tesla standing on it's own 2 feet, not with tax payer dollars or Government both state (Cali) and Federal intervention then I'll give them props but until then I'm with the majority on the let them finally fall, fail and disappear once and for all.


. . .
Established Member
Premium Member
Nov 1, 2006
South Florida
Future is in electric cars. Everybody now is joining the movement. Thank you Tesla. **** me. Good thing I won't be alive to miss the roaring thunder of mustangs leaving car shows ploughing everything in their path

The instant torque from electric cars will able to mow down crowds at a more efficient pace.


Beers for the boys
Established Member
Aug 30, 2006
South Carolina
lol everyone thinking they will fail

You have to remember a lot of much shittier companies were purchased when stock prices/production/issues arose. Tesla if they dip will get bought out/bought into it. They will survive. They will get streamlined on a production level, and make a lot of people look stupid.

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