Anthony Bourdain found dead


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Feb 19, 2010
I do not want to detail the thread but I am willing to discuss this further with you (or anyone else who wants to)

Pm, dm, whatever it's called here

Unless a discussion in this thread is what you want, then by all means

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Doesn't matter to me where. Have you ever battled depression or anything else like that? I have.


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May 17, 2018
AB, Canada
He was able to show us that disgusting and vile crap from all over the world was completely edible and in fact quite enjoyable if paired with the right alcoholic beverage.

That is a rare talent indeed and he will definitely be missed.

RIP, Anthony Bourdain.


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May 31, 2010
Empire State
Human beings are selfish by nature so I'm not sure the term should be applied to suicide. Some who commit suicide are not, in fact, suffering from depression. They view it merely as a way out of a difficult time be it unemployment, social pressures, heartache, family problems, addiction, financial straits, bullying. We have kids at my elementary school every year talking about suicide. We address it quickly and vehemently with counselors, social workers and other staff. More than half the time the kids tell us that no one loves them or that their parents are always fighting. Last year we had a 5th grade girl try to hang herself in the bathroom stall with her belt. Thankfully another kid came in after her and ran back to her room to tell the teacher.

Blown 89

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Jul 30, 2006
He's an asshole that used his platform to say some pretty terrible things about people. It sucks that he was so unhappy he hung himself. It explains his treatment of others though.


Logic and Reason
Established Member
Feb 10, 2005
Under the bed
Yet you still don't get it. Amazing.

Anyway, depression is obviously one reason in a list. I thought you wanted a discussion. If all you're going to do is say "next question" we have all we need to know here.
I realize that I'm sounding... brash(?), don't take any of my opinion or what I've said here as any sort of personal attack or saying that everyone that commits suicide is a piece of shit. All I meant earlier was that I lose a varying amount of respect for those that take their own life, not all, but at least some respect.

We've all had friends that have done it and we have all either dealt with depression ourselves or seen it affect someone we know or love.

I personally took a "life's not fair, no one has a purpose, deal with it or get out" approach to depression after pharmaceuticals didn't work. When it got to the "or get out" part I thought of what my friends' decisions had done to their families, their friends; that they and anything that could have been was gone forever, a memory; a distant thought that only comes fleetingly and always ends in pain.

That's when I chose to believe that everything was a choice. Everyone clutches to something when at the end of the rope, mine was choosing to believe that we need to be responsible for ourselves, that I was in control of myself. I couldn't control what emotions came, but I could choose emotions I would allow to affect me and here I am, not killing myself.

Again, I know I'm coming off as an ass. This is just how I personally dealt with and feel about suicide. I'm not saying that this is what you have to believe, but it is what I believe

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Well-Known Member
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Feb 19, 2010
I realize that I'm sounding... brash(?), don't take any of my opinion or what I've said here as any sort of personal attack or saying that everyone that commits suicide is a piece of shit. All I meant earlier was that I lose a varying amount of respect for those that take their own life, not all, but at least some respect.

We've all had friends that have done it and we have all either dealt with depression ourselves or seen it affect someone we know or love.

I personally took a "life's not fair, no one has a purpose, deal with it or get out" approach to depression after pharmaceuticals didn't work. When it got to the "or get out" part I thought of what my friends' decisions had done to their families, their friends; that they and anything that could have been was gone forever, a memory; a distant thought that only comes fleetingly and always ends in pain.

That's when I chose to believe that everything was a choice and here I am, not killing myself.

Again, I know I'm coming off as an ass. This is just how I personally dealt with and feel about suicide. I'm not saying that this is what you have to believe, but it is what I believe

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:cool: I get that. I've battled it myself for a long time, and still do sometimes. Obviously, I have not killed myself either. Maybe because I'm too afraid to pull the trigger or maybe I'm just resilient. Either way, we all have a breaking point. We just deal with that differently and that's ok.


Logic and Reason
Established Member
Feb 10, 2005
Under the bed
:cool: I get that. I've battled it myself for a long time, and still do sometimes. Obviously, I have not killed myself either. Maybe because I'm too afraid to pull the trigger or maybe I'm just resilient. Either way, we all have a breaking point. We just deal with that differently and that's ok.
Fear of the unknown was the biggest deterrent (jokingly calls himself a pussy). Once it got there, that's when everything became a choice.

I'm happy were able to get our respective points across civilly


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Aug 18, 2015
R.I.P.!! Depression is a bad bad thing. It makes people do bad things to themselves . My wife and I both battle with it. Sometimes together sometimes separate. Mine is always a daily struggle. Example....the days leading up to my birthday this year I had it in my head I wanted to off myself in front of everyone at the dinner they had planned for me. Now obviously I talked myself off that ledge but it is a very hard thing to deal with. Since I'm a dark minded person to begin with depression takes me to a whole different level of dark at times

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Sep 29, 2015
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All I meant earlier was that I lose a varying amount of respect for those that take their own life, not all, but at least some respect.

We've all had friends that have done it and we have all either dealt with depression ourselves or seen it affect someone we know or love.

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I respect your opinion, however, I see things very different. I have not lost a friend or family member to suicide, and if I did I would feel like I failed them as a friend.

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Logic and Reason
Established Member
Feb 10, 2005
Under the bed
I respect your opinion, however, I see things very different. I have not lost a friend or family member to suicide, and if I did I would feel like I failed them as a friend.

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And making all of your friends and entire family feel that way is...ok?

Here's to hoping you don't ever have to deal with it but if you do, you have the choice to deal with it how you must

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Jun 11, 2005
Scranton, PA
The amount of ignorance in this thread is strong.

RIP. My father taught me better than to speak ill of the dead.

Old saying 'walk a mile in their shoes' comes to mind.

Did he teach you not to speak ill of the dead or did he also teach you why you don't speak ill of the dead?


Established Member
Mar 22, 2004
Greenville, SC
Is his ancestry Italian or French? I'm not familiar with Bourdain but sounds like it could be French. I know next to nothing about him.

But I agree with what was said about walking a mile in another person's shoes. There are so many different levels of suffering in the world that no one can fully understand how hard things can get for someone.
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