Anyone else frustrated with Ford over the next GT500?


Established Member
Aug 8, 2013
New York
I can't wait to see @Kaneda take his Demon to the road course and outrun ACR's, GT2RS', 488's and whatever else people throw at him.

In a couple months I'll be cruising around in a Demon while you will still be on here "speculating" about the next GT500. And yeah, I'll bring my Demon to every road course but instead of taking any of the turns, I'm gonna drive it straight through the entire track, cores, walls, fences, whatever gets in my way. Didn't you hear? The Demon comes now with $1 machine guns that blows the **** out of anything standing in your way. But go ahead an post your road course lap times, that makes for cool conversation at the bar brah!
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Resident Ford Dealer
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Single Barrel Sirs
Jun 4, 2012
In a couple months I'll be cruising around in a Demon while you will still be on here "speculating" about the next GT500. And yeah, I'll bring my Demon to every road course but instead of taking any of the turns, I'm gonna drive it straight through the entire track, cores, walls, fences, whatever gets in my way. Didn't you hear? The Demon comes now with $1 machine guns that blows the **** out of anything standing in your way. But go ahead an post your road course lap times, that makes for cool conversation at the bar brah!

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Well-Known Member
Established Member
Jun 23, 2013
In a couple months I'll be cruising around in a Demon while you will still be on here "speculating" about the next GT500. And yeah, I'll bring my Demon to every road course but instead of taking any of the turns, I'm gonna drive it straight through the entire track, cores, walls, fences, whatever gets in my way. Didn't you hear? The Demon comes now with $1 machine guns that blows the **** out of anything standing in your way. But go ahead an post your road course lap times, that makes for cool conversation at the bar brah!

If you are in the north, I doubt you will be driving your demon. And if you are, you are a dummy.
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Well-Known Member
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Beer Money Bros.
Jan 29, 2014
the plains
Let's see anyone care about the new (forever in the making) GT500 like this.
Australia threw a fit when the Focus RS debuted because it was considered too dangerous with the drift mode. They wanted it outlawed.

It's good to see Dodge was able to create concern about public safety with an 800hp car just like Ford did with a Focus.



Well-Known Member
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Aug 7, 2004
Los Angeles
Funny how my favorite section on SVTP is for a car the doesn't even exist with 2 years worth of posts .......... who knew? LOL

I'm getting nervous

Did some investigation on the future of the Mustang and I did not like what I was seeing. I focused me searches to the new S650 platform which Ford has accelerated it's release date by 2 years to 2022 which cut the S550 production lifespan to only 5 years. In all the articles I read the two words I kept seeing was "efficiency" and "hybrid" and how they plan to achieve low end punch with a smaller engine by augmenting it with an electric motor which means it likely going to be smaller engine and not V8. I'm assuming they have accelerated the S650 release date as that chassis is undoubtedly being designed to accommodate large batteries. Programs like this tend to suck all the development resources from other programs. The topic of the availability of a V8 was mentioned from time to time but no talk of big blowers a twin turbo V6 hybrid got some air play.

From what I was reading it appears the Camaro and Challenger has taken a big bite out of the sales figures for the Mustang as before it was the only game in town plus Ford is behind the 8 ball with regard to large displacement V8's. The new CEO at Ford is positioning the company for wider international sales profile where big high hp V8 cars are at a huge disadvantage due to cost, fuel consumption and regulations.

I don't like what I'm reading, seeing and hearing. To date I have seen any indication Ford is planning on any ground breaking performance engine programs it appears they are stuck with the Coyote engine and all the legacy issues it's been saddled with from the mod motor era. With the rush to get the S650 into production I don't expect to see any major push to get a blown V8 engine into the current S550 platform which is being put out to pasture. By the time the S650 comes out with that big battery bay stamped into the chassis Ford will be focusing on taking advantage of a hybrid system all ready built into the car most likely with a turbo V6 in their top offering. I pray to god I am wrong on this one but based on the direction Ford and the Mustang is headed it doesn't make sense from a business prospective for this to play out any other way. We are going to end up with a high tech 2.3 liter Mustang III in the near future . I don't think a battery in a GT500 with a whiny V6 on a car managed by an on-board computer controlling on EVERYTHING will go over very well for us gearheads.

One thing you can count on for sure is from a hot rodders perspective you won't approach a 2022+ Mustang like you would a Terminator. The systems in those cars will largely be to daunting to comprehend and won't want to be messed with.

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