Pullied 03/04 Cobra vs Pullied CTS-V


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Established Member
Jun 15, 2004
Memphis, TN
I followed a few cars onto the interstate including a 501 rwhp 03/04 Cobra and when things opened up a little bit I got next to him and dropped down into 3rd going about 60 mph, he slowed down to 40. I slowed to 40 and dropped down into 2nd and got next to him.

We went off a 3 honk and I pulled on him hard enough for my GF to ask if he was even racing. Shifting into 3rd TC engaged, but I had enough of a lead that it didn't really matter. I let out of it at around 120 and feel like he was a few cars back.

I was surprised that he didn't get next to me for a rematch because I thought that maybe he had missed a shift or something. I just got off of FB chat with the passenger and he said they started in 3rd gear... When I asked why he said he didn't know and said he was going to bed. He also said that he felt our cars were even because he thought they were starting to catch up. I'm guessing that was when TC kicked in, but maybe not. I' be down for a rematch.

My car is a A6 coupe and made 530 rwhp hot. The guy I raced posts on here so hopefully he'll give his side of the story. Fun night over all.


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Jun 15, 2004
Memphis, TN
Cool, nice to see local people pop up. Any pics of your V?

Do you ever make it out to the races?

Pics of the V:


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Well-Known Member
Established Member
Aug 21, 2006
Southaven, Mississippi
Lol still a chevy? I think you mean gm and a very nice one at that :)

Orgasmic i really dont. I might go to airpark and watch but normally my runs are random encounters or friends. Who did your work for the v?


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Jun 15, 2004
Memphis, TN
I've only been to Airpark a couple times in the V, i but use to take the lightning all the all the time a few years back.

I've had all the work on the V done at Dynospeed Racing. Pulley, Intake, Heat Exchanger, Tune. Thinking a cam might be next.

Oh and if Ford had of ever made something as nice/fast as CTS-V i would have already bought it. Got tired of waiting on another lightning...

Lol still a chevy? I think you mean gm and a very nice one at that :)

Orgasmic i really dont. I might go to airpark and watch but normally my runs are random encounters or friends. Who did your work for the v?


Well-Known Member
Established Member
Aug 21, 2006
Southaven, Mississippi
I figured ds did the work. I was there last week talking to Josh about his v while making plans to drop my cobra off for some work. A v2 will be my next ride and ill most likely do those same mods. Maybe ill run across you in my 03z one day.


Active Member
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Feb 3, 2007
I followed a few cars onto the interstate including a 501 rwhp 03/04 Cobra and when things opened up a little bit I got next to him and dropped down into 3rd going about 60 mph, he slowed down to 40. I slowed to 40 and dropped down into 2nd and got next to him.

We went off a 3 honk and I pulled on him hard enough for my GF to ask if he was even racing. Shifting into 3rd TC engaged, but I had enough of a lead that it didn't really matter. I let out of it at around 120 and feel like he was a few cars back.

I was surprised that he didn't get next to me for a rematch because I thought that maybe he had missed a shift or something. I just got off of FB chat with the passenger and he said they started in 3rd gear... When I asked why he said he didn't know and said he was going to bed. He also said that he felt our cars were even because he thought they were starting to catch up. I'm guessing that was when TC kicked in, but maybe not. I' be down for a rematch.

My car is a A6 coupe and made 530 rwhp hot. The guy I raced posts on here so hopefully he'll give his side of the story. Fun night over all.

Odd I just don't see a 530 whp CTS-V yanking my old 490 whp Cobra like that from a 2nd gear roll at 40 mph. That's just too much of a wonderful roll spot for a Terminator if you can get it to hook. Maybe he was having traction problems. 2nd gear 40 mph rolls and 3rd gear 70 mph rolls were my favorite spots in my old car. For a car to yank a 500 whp Terminator that hard as soon as the race starts in a 40 mph roll where you can't even tell if he's racing either the Terminator owner is in the wrong gear, he isn't hooking for shit, or your sporting like a cammed/sprayed Z06 or something. My old Terminator use to do the exact same thing you're describing from that speed where you're just like, "are they even racing."
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Well-Known Member
Established Member
Jun 11, 2007
Odd I just don't see a 530 whp CTS-V yanking my old 490 whp Cobra like that from a 2nd gear roll at 40 mph. That's just too much of a wonderful roll spot for a Terminator if you can get it to hook. Maybe he was having traction problems. 2nd gear 40 mph rolls and 3rd gear 70 mph rolls were my favorite spots in my old car. For a car to yank a 500 whp Terminator that hard as soon as the race starts in a 40 mph roll where you can't even tell if he's racing either the Terminator owner is in the wrong gear, he isn't hooking for shit, or your sporting like a cammed/sprayed Z06 or something. My old Terminator use to do the exact same thing you're describing from that speed where you're just like, "are they even racing."

The passenger said the Cobra was in 3rd gear. So it was a loss for the Cobra since the beginning.

Good kill O.P not a fan of the coupe V but it looks really nice in black and in your pics. Love the plates.:beer:


Established Member
Nov 20, 2011
memphis tn
he started the honk off before i could finish down shifting didnt make it to second gear before he took off, there will be a re match with a video coming soon


New Member
Established Member
Jun 15, 2004
Memphis, TN
he started the honk off before i could finish down shifting didnt make it to second gear before he took off, there will be a re match with a video coming soon

I'm sure something wasn't right when we raced last night, but I just don't understand how you weren't ready when I had to slow down to match your speed and then I ended up behind you and had to pull up back even.

Also I swear just before I started honking I heard you honk your horn. I kept honking mine and we both went off of my third honk. I believe you might have been in the wrong gear, but I not buying the I rushed you stuff.

Oh and even last night I was surprised you didn't want to run them back right then since I rushed you and your weren't listening to the right radio station.

PS - Thanks for the opportunity and I look forward to seeing you again. :thumbsup:
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Established Member
Jun 16, 2010
Odd I just don't see a 530 whp CTS-V yanking my old 490 whp Cobra like that from a 2nd gear roll at 40 mph. That's just too much of a wonderful roll spot for a Terminator if you can get it to hook. Maybe he was having traction problems. 2nd gear 40 mph rolls and 3rd gear 70 mph rolls were my favorite spots in my old car. For a car to yank a 500 whp Terminator that hard as soon as the race starts in a 40 mph roll where you can't even tell if he's racing either the Terminator owner is in the wrong gear, he isn't hooking for shit, or your sporting like a cammed/sprayed Z06 or something. My old Terminator use to do the exact same thing you're describing from that speed where you're just like, "are they even racing."

Op's story is very believeable because If the termi driver started in 3rd @ 4omph then of course it wouldnt pull as hard. I see what you're saying Jroc but the point is termi driver made a mistake that costs him the race. If he would have been in the correct gear(2nd) I can see the termi winning. Nice killl op:beer:

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