TRT discussion


Established Member
Dec 9, 2002
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@BOOGIE MAN here yah go bud, as requested a thread on TRT. This is a great idea and I encourage everyone here to share their experiences with TRT.

***Disclaimer*** I am not a doctor, just a meathead sharing his experience.

There is no supplemental T per say. Once you start taking TRT (exogenous injections of testosterone) your HPTA will pretty much shutdown your natural production. Basically your pituitary gland will no longer signal your balls to make testosterone, you also will suppress sperm production. So if you don’t have kids and want them, bank your sperm. This isn’t a cycle that you start and stop. You will likely take TRT for the rest of your life. Now that said, if you stop, in most men natural production and fertility returns after awhile once the compounds clear your system. You can also take clomid, hcg etc to quickly restart natty production, restore fertility. I will speak more on this later.

****How I started ***
I will try to keep my origin story short, lol. In my mid twenties I got more and more into weightlifting and started to dabble with pro hormones and oral steroids.. off and on for years. By time I hit my late thirties, noticed my energy and drive weren’t what they used to be and my workouts just weren’t producing results like they used to. I started looking into TRT, but didn’t start it until I was 41. I wish I had never waited that long to start.

Starting off, try having a talk with your GP, urologist etc.. in my experience I didn’t get far, but I know a few guys that have gotten somewhere with their GP. Most though will look at you like you just asked for heroin when you bring up testoseterone during a consultation. They will want to question you, why do you think you need it, do you know its dangerous (bullshit). Testosterone/TRT in therapeutic doses is cardio protective and neuro protective, it no different than a woman needing estrogen. Testosterone is the king hormone that makes us men. Unfortunately Testosterone has been a taboo thing ever since doping scandals in sports, olympics etc, so a lot doctors are reluctant to truly educate themselves on it or specialize in it. Just keep that in mind when bringing it up.

I tired of this and went the telmed route, its just what it sounds like, consultation with a provider over the phone, boom done, it was fairly easy.

I started my TRT off with Defy Medical and I would recommend them to any guy looking to start. There is a new patient consultation which is an hour long, the cost is 275 for new patients. For additional cost they can order your labwork/bloodwork, they use labcorp. You can also get your gp to order your labs and probably have insurance cover most of it. I would do this before contacting defy so you have your labs in hand.

Lab panels needed

Hormones - testosterone, estradiol, SHBG( calculates free testosterone) and TSH (thyroid)

The actual phone consult with Defy will take place after they have your labwork results. I will say this, they will try and talk you into starting on multiple compounds, don’t.. I like to keep it simple and start with the king, Testosterone. You don’t want to be dialing in your TRT protocol by starting off on more than one compound and trying to figure out what’s working etc. Most providers will also try and start you with an AI/aromatase inhibitor, which crushes estrogen. When you take testosterone, there is also a rise in estrogen, this is normal and believe it or not, even men need some estrogen. You don’t need AI as we are taking therapeutic dosages, not super physiological bodybuilder doses of testosterone. They might also mention trying HCG with your testosterone or by itself as a way to boost natty production. Unless you are trying to protect fertility, then you don’t need HCG. I can speak more on fertility later.

***delivery methods of testosterone***

Injections at home, gels, creams and pellet.

I personally prefer injections as I believe this to be best and most efficacious way to take your vitamin-T and you only have to do it 1-2X a week. I split my weekly dose in to 2 injections M/F.

The andro gels just aren’t effective, almost no one uses or prescribes them these days.

The cream is effective, but I don’t want to have to remember to rub this on my nuts twice a day.

Testosterone pellets for men are huge and from what I understand the injections are very painful.. and once you drop a dime in the jukebox you are on that ride for 2-3 months and apparently its a mood rollercoaster.

I like doing my injections at home and after 5 years of this, its 2nd nature and no bother to me at all. This is the best way to achieve stable blood serum levels of testosterone. That keeps your mood and energy levels predictible and stable. Most providers will start you off anywhere from 120mg to 200mg a week.

*** when will TRT start to work***

I want to say right off that TRT is not a magic bullet, or bolt from the blue. You will not have that aha moment. If your diet, sleep, exercise habits are shit, its not going to fix that. Though most men looking into TRT tend to be more fitness oriented, athletic and not couch potatoes. Most men will start to see results in 6-8wks. I honestly felt better right away, but that could have been the placebo effect. Oh and prepare for the morning wood. I wake up with hard-ons that could drive a spike thru a railroad tie..its like being 18 in that regard for me.

I will be adding more posts with where to get your needles, supplies, etc. I source a lot from amazon and direct from EasyTouch. Though some states won’t let you, but there are ways around that.


Established Member
Dec 9, 2002
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Hypodermic needles and syringes. For those starting off and with no prior experience, there is a little bit of learning curve, trial & error here.

I prefer luer lock 1cc syringes/barrels and 25 gauge 1” long luer lock needles if injecting ventroglute or in quads. I tend to inject more in the ventroglute rather than quads. You tend to have more nerves in the quad area. I also have used 1.5” in these areas too.

If injecting in the deltoid or pec muscle I like using 27-29 gauge insulin syringes with a .5 inch needle. You don’t carry a lot of adipose tissue in the delts, so you don’t typically need a big needle. I would go over an inch in length for delts.

I order most of my needles and syringes from EasyTouch direct. You can also source from Amazon.

If you are starting off and or your state won’t allow you to ship this direct to your house. Your telmed provider can send the needles/supplies needed, though this is usually more costly.

You can also order “pet” veterinary syringes and usually bypass any local or state restrictions. I live in Texas and there are no restrictions so I just order direct and or from Amazon

Below are some images for injection.






Anyone have a strap on my girl can use on me?
Established Member
Jul 26, 2011
mo T mo betta ..

Monday and Thursdays for me.

I personally say AVOID any doctor who says to inject only once a week.


Male and Female He created them.
Established Member
Jan 25, 2022
Fly over country
I thought about making a TRT thread for awhile but figured I would get reamed for my conservative approach to it lol

Been on it for 2 years. The first 18 months through a clinic. Started at 240mg a week. Had to blood dump every 3-4 months and hated it. I have a phobia about needles in my arms. I had them lower to 180mg a week. Blood was still getting thicker than I wanted. BP was ok. Estrogen was high so I went on 1mg of anastrazol and hated it.

Clinic was audited by the DEA haha so I called my PCP and he was nice enough to fill it for me. Stayed at 180mg a week. BP was rising (though not totally due to TRT). Long story short. I’m now on 2 small doses a week of 60-70mg through a diabetic needle. Test is sitting at 800s. Blood work is great. Hemoglobin is in range, hematocrit is within range. BP is still sitting elevated but I think it’s due to my diet.

Overall, my advice is to go with the dose that makes you feel the best. Start low and work your way up. If that’s 200mg a week, so be it. If it’s 100mg a week, so be it. If you’re at 250+mg a week you are on a low dose cycle and just it call it that. That’s not TRT.

I’m a weight lifter, done an all natural bodybuilding show, done a powerlifting meet. I’m 5’9 190s right now and I feel great. Body fat % is probably in the 15-17% range. For folks who may be thinking of doing it, just know clinics, gym bros etc will tell you “You have to do 200mg or more or it’s not even worth it…” Don’t believe them. Be safe. Use the lowest effective dose and don’t let “clinics” make your decision for you. They will put you on a low-dose cycle just because they can.

I always inject in my upper thigh. Switch left to right each time. No scar tissue. Again, using the diabetic needles has been a game-changer for me.


Established Member
Dec 9, 2002
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I thought about making a TRT thread for awhile but figured I would get reamed for my conservative approach to it lol

Been on it for 2 years. The first 18 months through a clinic. Started at 240mg a week. Had to blood dump every 3-4 months and hated it. I have a phobia about needles in my arms. I had them lower to 180mg a week. Blood was still getting thicker than I wanted. BP was ok. Estrogen was high so I went on 1mg of anastrazol and hated it.

Clinic was audited by the DEA haha so I called my PCP and he was nice enough to fill it for me. Stayed at 180mg a week. BP was rising (though not totally due to TRT). Long story short. I’m now on 2 small doses a week of 60-70mg through a diabetic needle. Test is sitting at 800s. Blood work is great. Hemoglobin is in range, hematocrit is within range. BP is still sitting elevated but I think it’s due to my diet.

Overall, my advice is to go with the dose that makes you feel the best. Start low and work your way up. If that’s 200mg a week, so be it. If it’s 100mg a week, so be it. If you’re at 250+mg a week you are on a low dose cycle and just it call it that. That’s not TRT.

I’m a weight lifter, done an all natural bodybuilding show, done a powerlifting meet. I’m 5’9 190s right now and I feel great. Body fat % is probably in the 15-17% range. For folks who may be thinking of doing it, just know clinics, gym bros etc will tell you “You have to do 200mg or more or it’s not even worth it…” Don’t believe them. Be safe. Use the lowest effective dose and don’t let “clinics” make your decision for you. They will put you on a low-dose cycle just because they can.

I always inject in my upper thigh. Switch left to right each time. No scar tissue. Again, using the diabetic needles has been a game-changer for me.
Good stuff, minimal effective dose that see’s symptom relief is the best way to go. I started off around 160-180mg a week and that saw my blood serum levels around 1500 total and 40 free. So I don’t need a huge dose too see benefit, but some guys do. I have a buddy that takes 250-300mg and that barely gets him to a 1000 total and high normal on free.


Male and Female He created them.
Established Member
Jan 25, 2022
Fly over country
Good stuff, minimal effective dose that see’s symptom relief is the best way to go. I started off around 160-180mg a week and that saw my blood serum levels around 1500 total and 40 free. So I don’t need a huge dose too see benefit, but some guys do. I have a buddy that takes 250-300mg and that barely gets him to a 1000 total and high normal on free.
When do you get your blood drawn respective of your injection?

When I was at 180, injecting once a week, my levels were 900-1000 the 7th day after my dose (before my next dose)…I was leaking in the 1500+ range probably.

Yeah, it’s definitely per person. My dose is so low and I’m still in the 800s so I respond well which Im happy about.


Established Member
Dec 9, 2002
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When do you get your blood drawn respective of your injection?

When I was at 180, injecting once a week, my levels were 900-1000 the 7th day after my dose (before my next dose)…I was leaking in the 1500+ range probably.

Yeah, it’s definitely per person. My dose is so low and I’m still in the 800s so I respond well which Im happy about.
Yeah don’t chase numbers per say, but is a good metric to keep an eye on. I felt fine injecting 1x a week, but the trough in my numbers said otherwise. Typically I test right before on the day of my next injection. Currently back to 2x a week to keep more stable blood levels.


Well-Known Member
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Jul 23, 2014
El Paso, TX
I have been using Defy for about 2.5yrs.

Thanks OP!

My family doc is totally cool with prescribing it but sends the prescription to Walgreens or Walmart.

What a ****ing nightmare. Tried this once and the pharmacist asked why I was prescribed T. Then said the order was only partially filled. Plus they come in 1ml vials and the last 10% is a bitch to get out. I walked out with nothing. Called Defy back and they put a rush on my order.

Defy is too easy. Deliver it wherever in the country I may be at the time.

They don’t take insurance at all. They have a contract with labcorp to run your labs for $395. My insurance pays this in full. Get the lab orders from Defy and take them to whatever lab you want and use your insurance. Just make sure your insurance will cover it as it can be more expensive if they don’t.

My numbers:

37yr old: 850
39yr old: 625
41yr old: 325

I had my meds for about 2 weeks before I got the nerve to do it.

Woke up the next morning like I’d been lifting weights all night. Results were immediate.

My Doc prescribed 180mg a week but I started at like 140, eventually got to @170 where I am now. T hovers around 1050.

Stopped taking any anastrozole about 2 weeks ago and I seem to feel better. Gonna do labs in a week so we’ll see if the Estradiol is up.

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Established Member
Dec 9, 2002
not at my post...
I have been using Defy for about 2.5yrs.

Thanks OP!

My family doc is totally cool with prescribing it but sends the prescription to Walgreens or Walmart.

What a ****ing nightmare. Tried this once and the pharmacist asked why I was prescribed T. Then said the order was only partially filled. Plus they come in 1ml vials and the last 10% is a bitch to get out. I walked out with nothing. Called Defy back and they put a rush on my order.

Defy is too easy. Deliver it wherever in the country I may be at the time.

They don’t take insurance at all. They have a contract with labcorp to run your labs for $395. My insurance pays this in full. Get the lab orders from Defy and take them to whatever lab you want and use your insurance. Just make sure your insurance will cover it as it can be more expensive if they don’t.

My numbers:

37yr old: 850
39yr old: 625
41yr old: 325

I had my meds for about 2 weeks before I got the nerve to do it.

Woke up the next morning like I’d been lifting weights all night. Results were immediate.

My Doc prescribed 180mg a week but I started at like 140, eventually got to @170 where I am now. T hovers around 1050.

Stopped taking any anastrozole about 2 weeks ago and I seem to feel better. Gonna do labs in a week so we’ll see if the Estradiol is up.

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Awesome and yeah after trying other telmeds and straight up buying UGL gear from gym rats. I have found my way back to Defy medical as well. You can’t beat them, have tried and everyone else has come up short.

Once I cut out booze, my estradiol/estrogen is fine and no longer elevated with no AI/anastrazole. I would say for the guys starting, to maybe have some on hand in the event you need to use it should you experience estrogenic effects like sensitive breast tissue and water weight. That is not uncommon when you first start TRT, but will go away once you have been on it for awhile and have stable blood levels.

I did bloodwork at the end of september. No AI on about 200mg of testosterone Enanthate a week.



Male and Female He created them.
Established Member
Jan 25, 2022
Fly over country
I pay $30-$40 a month on 4 vials of Test Cyp. I go through my PCP and I use Good Rx. The clinic I was apart of was $195 a month (blood work included). I bet it’s $225+ now due to FJB.

I’m saving a fortune going through my PCP.


Established Member
Dec 9, 2002
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I pay $30-$40 a month on 4 vials of Test Cyp. I go through my PCP and I use Good Rx. The clinic I was apart of was $195 a month (blood work included). I bet it’s $225+ now due to FJB.

I’m saving a fortune going through my PCP.
10ML vial will almost last me two months, think 1 10ML vial is about 140 bucks give or take at Defy medical. Really not that bad and you only have to run blood work 1-2x a year with them. I have gotten it cheaper with other providers, around 80 bucks. However big headache in dealing with some of the others. I wish I could find a local doc, gp to write me a script. Have tried a few times to find a competent one. For me Telmed is the way to go.


Male and Female He created them.
Established Member
Jan 25, 2022
Fly over country
10ML vial will almost last me two months, think 1 10ML vial is about 140 bucks give or take at Defy medical. Really not that bad and you only have to run blood work 1-2x a year with them. I have gotten it cheaper with other providers, around 80 bucks. However big headache in dealing with some of the others. I wish I could find a local doc, gp to write me a script. Have tried a few times to find a competent one. For me Telmed is the way to go.
I honestly thought my doc was going to say no. I was upfront and honest as I could be. Gave him all my previous blood work. It took him 2 weeks to fill the script with the caveat that he wanted to me to do blood work through him to see how everything was. Thankfully it’s all good so he’s not concerned. I have a back up plan if he ever tells me he won’t fill it.


Established Member
Dec 9, 2002
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I honestly thought my doc was going to say no. I was upfront and honest as I could be. Gave him all my previous blood work. It took him 2 weeks to fill the script with the caveat that he wanted to me to do blood work through him to see how everything was. Thankfully it’s all good so he’s not concerned. I have a back up plan if he ever tells me he won’t fill it.
My old GP was even on it himself, but was going to t-clinic for his injections. He wasn’t even doing it himself, so lol no luck there. I certainly didn’t want a guy that wouldn’t even manage his own protocol managing mine even if he would write it.

BTW to any new guys out there thinking about starting TRT.

STAY AWAY FROM T-clinics around town, the places that run ads, radio spots and shit. Most won’t write you a script and you have to go in for injections. Terrible protocol and not sustainable, you will piss away money.


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Jun 22, 2014
I asked my Dr. And he was like nope, just commercials on TV playing into men’s insecurities.

And building muscle seems impossible for my body.
I’ll try again next check up .


Established Member
Dec 9, 2002
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I asked my Dr. And he was like nope, just commercials on TV playing into men’s insecurities.

And building muscle seems impossible for my body.
I’ll try again next check up .
Your doctor is a moron. Ask him if he would write an estrogen script for a woman. I bet that muppet would. If you are really interested in doing it, then you will have to literally take this head on. Take the initiative and be your own advocate.

EDIT: testosterone can certainly help you accrue muscle and hold on to it… but if you aren’t lifting often enough, eating enough and getting good sleep, then you won’t be putting on muscle period even with testosterone on board.
Last edited:


Anyone have a strap on my girl can use on me?
Established Member
Jul 26, 2011
I use a concierge doctor who also has a testosterone side. He’s also a body builder so that helps a lot.

$165 a month instead of health insurance . Unlimited call ins, cheap blood work, T with supplies is less than $100 every 10 weeks.


Established Member
Dec 9, 2002
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another reason for private pay vs insurance. When insurance is covering it, they are often in the driver seat with regard to your doctor, dosage and frequency. Your labs come back too high, your doc may cut your dosage back etc… worse case I have heard of some providers saying you are fixed and stopping treatment…albeit that last example is rare.

You don’t have to worry about any of that shit if you are paying out of pocket. You pick your doctor and the best course of treatment.


Well-Known Member
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Feb 20, 2005
I'm interested to hear more about everyone's experiences. I have one buddy got on it, who I don't believe needed it, and he had roid rage type reactions and got off of it. I have another buddy, who is the most mellow guy ever, he is still on it and is still the most mellow guy ever. I'm 44 and since high-school I've always carried 185-195 lbs of weight. This year is the first time I've noticed weight really dropping off. I'm definitely a lot more tired than I used to be. Just those two things has got me thinking about testosterone.


Anyone have a strap on my girl can use on me?
Established Member
Jul 26, 2011
I'm interested to hear more about everyone's experiences. I have one buddy got on it, who I don't believe needed it, and he had roid rage type reactions and got off of it. I have another buddy, who is the most mellow guy ever, he is still on it and is still the most mellow guy ever. I'm 44 and since high-school I've always carried 185-195 lbs of weight. This year is the first time I've noticed weight really dropping off. I'm definitely a lot more tired than I used to be. Just those two things has got me thinking about testosterone.

Anybody that gets “ roid rage “ from it is likely on a compound of other things. I’m sticking to that. Lol

Every man over 30 years old should get their T checked

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