Transmission Clunk


Toys R Us Kid
Established Member
Jun 19, 2002
Newport, RI
The day finally arrived - I took delivery today. The car had 15 miles on it when I got her but showed no signs of abuse. She's got 75 now and I LOVE this car.

I do have a question for those more experienced with the Cobra. When I go into 1st, there is a noticable clunk (both audible and detectable through my left foot). If I keep the clutch engaged and go out of 1st and back in, the clunk doesn't happen. If I let the clutch out while not in gear and then engage it again and go into 1st, the clunk returns. My suspicion is that it may be a 'normal' engagement of the synchromesh, but I must confess, my knowledge of this transmission is quite limited. Any opinions or thoughts are most welcome.

As an afterthought, I was a victim of the bad gas issue discussed in other threads. The dealer caught it and replaced the cats and she's running great now.


New Member
Established Member
Feb 23, 2001
clunky clunky

:gt: What is up with the clunk I heard this is normal but it sure does clunk!!! none of my other cobras ever did this it almost feels like driveline slop or something, on top of that I get a throw out bearing noise sometimes like a mettalic whirring sound when I slightly depress the clutch it goes away among other things ive noticed are the plastic strips on the inner part of the door when you open it up were not installed correctly I snaped them all the way in,the tail was tightened by he man and slightly crushed it in the inside(it is only plastic) I noticed a slight dip on the top of the trunk lid where the tail is,whats up with the trunk light is it just suppost to flop around in there like that? and my brakes seem to bind slightly damn for the price I thought they could be a little more better at the quality...other than that I just turned 1000 miles and love this thing....

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New Member
Established Member
Feb 23, 2001
lovet it

:D love it I do im bout to go aout and drive like a fool in love once again for a couple of hours,just driving it makes me forget about the problems!!! (haha) just wish they treated it better when building it ...on that note ill see youll later im going for a spin..!!!




New Member
Established Member
Jun 3, 2002
I've got a 99 right now and it clunks big time. I am trying to sell it and everyone thinks it is broken and will not buy it. I did some reading and found a post that the IRS has a hole for a 14MM X 100 MM bolt but they put a 12 MM in there causing a 2 MM drive slack. Don't know this is true but when I put a wrench on the front bolt of the tube it was 18 MM which means a 12 MM bolt. Might be something to check out!

James P.

:??: :??:


It is normal, I have owned 3 LS1's all with the T56 and everyone of them made that noise,,,, it may also be difficult to put in reverse as it is extremely notchy..... if you find it hard to put in a gear - relax, put the stick in a neutral position, release the brake (may let the car roll ever so slightly) press on the clutch again and try again while saying "please go in" and it will work :beer:


Toys R Us Kid
Established Member
Jun 19, 2002
Newport, RI
Thanks guys! It still clunks - but reading some of the other threads, I feel pretty lucky. Did you hear about the guy over on stangnet that can't get the car to roll straight? They're talking camber, drilling plates, bad tires, all kinds of stuff....


New Member
Established Member
Oct 12, 2001
Southern CA

Don't worry about the Clunk it is normal. It's more like a thunk... I had the exact same thing with my 01. It's just a mustang thing. It only happens when you come to a stop and are getting ready to put it back in first... And sometimes it doesn't happen. Just one of those things...

"feels like driveline slop or something, on top of that I get a throw out bearing noise sometimes like a mettalic whirring sound "

The car will slop and clunk if you on and off the gas but it's normal. You just need to be smooth and not rigid with the gas and clutch.
The clutch or bearing noise too, I had the same thing here with my 01. And my buddy's 88 5.0 did the same thing. These are mustang characteristics, though they are not common among all. Some cars tick louder than others in the valvetrain as well. But it doesn't mean anything is wrong, I suppose that the guy who has none of these is just lucky. Late. CRZ8R.

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