How to report someone who is driving illegally


Established Member
Aug 24, 2016
Long story short, the little puke that nearly killed my wife last year is driving around uninsured in a vehicle that isn't registered to him. Can this be reported? Would the police even do anything?


I like members members.
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Premium Member
Jan 29, 2016
I would definitely report it to the police.


Established Member
Aug 24, 2016
How do you know he's uninsured?

His insurance company told me last year that due to the severity of the accident he caused, he:
1) Can no longer be on his parents insurance
2) His insurance rates will likely be $400/mo for minimum coverage, if not more
3) He lost his license for 6 months

I have photographic proof of him driving 2 months after the accident. How can a 17 year old high school kid that doesn't work, and entire family doesn't have enough net worth to handle being sued for $25k afford getting a $4000 truck and $400/mo+ insurance? If you guessed "they don't" then you win.

I had 3 lawyers drop us last year because they determined that the entire family didn't have enough assets to bother suing after the accident. I wasn't even going after punitive- just 1:1 loss for what insurance wouldn't cover.

I honestly should just let this go, but I'm really sick of letting pieces of garbage walk all over my family and I simply because "well that's how it goes sometimes." I'd rest easy knowing that kid suffered even a fraction of what we did (and still are) because of his degenerate actions.


Established Member
Premium Member
Mar 11, 2017
Houston, TX
You might have to wait a while for them to respond, but call your local P.D. and ask to have an officer come to your home and speak face to face.
Make sure to relay your concerns for your family and the public. That should at least be more likely to have a better outcome than calling and it being forgotten as soon as the phone is hung up.


Established Member
Aug 24, 2016
You might have to wait a while for them to respond, but call your local P.D. and ask to have an officer come to your home and speak face to face.
Make sure to relay your concerns for your family and the public. That should at least be more likely to have a better outcome than calling and it being forgotten as soon as the phone is hung up.

I like that idea.

Need 04 Wine

Meanest CDN on SVTP
Established Member
Apr 1, 2012
His insurance company told me last year that due to the severity of the accident he caused, he:
1) Can no longer be on his parents insurance
2) His insurance rates will likely be $400/mo for minimum coverage, if not more
3) He lost his license for 6 months

I have photographic proof of him driving 2 months after the accident. How can a 17 year old high school kid that doesn't work, and entire family doesn't have enough net worth to handle being sued for $25k afford getting a $4000 truck and $400/mo+ insurance? If you guessed "they don't" then you win.

I had 3 lawyers drop us last year because they determined that the entire family didn't have enough assets to bother suing after the accident. I wasn't even going after punitive- just 1:1 loss for what insurance wouldn't cover.

I honestly should just let this go, but I'm really sick of letting pieces of garbage walk all over my family and I simply because "well that's how it goes sometimes." I'd rest easy knowing that kid suffered even a fraction of what we did (and still are) because of his degenerate actions.

Wow. Hope they pin him to wall or you find someone that will


Well-Known Member
Established Member
Aug 16, 2016
Seattle (GO HAWKS!)
That really sucks, I would have a hard time letting that go as well.

I know It's a misdemeanor to not register a car after reported sale after 45 days here in WA. So if he did buy the Truck and it was reported sold to him, he will get stopped eventually if your state is the same.

If you think he is borrowing the Truck I'm not sure what you could do, other than something to possibly encourage that truck to be pulled over and then he possibly be cited for no insurance or any other potential violations.


Established Member
Aug 24, 2016
That really sucks, I would have a hard time letting that go as well.

I know It's a misdemeanor to not register a car after reported sale after 45 days here in WA. So if he did buy the Truck and it was reported sold to him, he will get stopped eventually if your state is the same.

If you think he is borrowing the Truck I'm not sure what you could do, other than something to possibly encourage that truck to be pulled over and then he possibly be cited for no insurance or any other potential violations.

We're coming up on a year since the incident and my wife is still recovering in some ways. If you exclude the 4 months it took, we broke close to even financially. I had to write an $8000 check to clear the lien on her Jeep and absorbed some medical costs that were too petty to report.

I'm almost certain he is permanently borrowing the truck (city tax records show it's under a relative's name), which means he's driving it while it is under his parents insurance. Big no-no. Kid needs to learn a hard lesson now if he ever wants to have a productive life in society. He's in high school. He can recover. What if he doesn't get a hard smack upside the head now? In 5 years, will he drive 100+mph and kill someone?


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Beer Money Bros.
Oct 14, 2010
Middle Earth
Depending on where u live will dictate the type of response u will get. In a small sleepy bedroom town I'm sure they would be all over that. In a decent size city they won't give two shits. Much bigger fish to fry


Established Member
Aug 24, 2016
Depending on where u live will dictate the type of response u will get. In a small sleepy bedroom town I'm sure they would be all over that. In a decent size city they won't give two shits. Much bigger fish to fry

Somewhat in the middle. I need to do more digging and get my facts 100% straight before I get the police involved. I'm 95% sure that he is driving illegally based on crap he has posted on Facebook. Kid needs to learn a lesson before he paralyzes someone else for life, or kills them. Had my wife been the one who was paralyzed, I'd be in jail right now.


Sebring SVTOA
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SVTP OG 4 Life
Dec 27, 2002
FlahDah man.
Yeah get more facts. You have some reasonable assumptions but police may act not on that. The kid will probably have to hurt someone first.


Who's that whore?
Established Member
Dec 11, 2002
Depending on where u live will dictate the type of response u will get. In a small sleepy bedroom town I'm sure they would be all over that. In a decent size city they won't give two shits. Much bigger fish to fry

Correct. Agency I work for is in a city of roughly 185K+ population. Beyond a bolo to the MDBs, this wouldn't get any response. You can throw a baseball and hit a car driven by somebody who is driving under suspension where I work. Just too much going on to be frank.


Established Member
Apr 2, 2018
Central Illinois
Former Sheriffs Deputy here, everyone is correct about the size of the agency determining the level of response. If they get in another accident, that's where it will come to light as the officer (if they don't run) will begin to collect information, come to the realization there's no insurance, and proceed with charges.

If I went to an accident and the person who caused said accident was not insured, I would cite them. First offense was only like $75 though so it's not a big fine.

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