Whipple Superchargers NMRA World Finals | Holley Intergalactic Ford Fest 2021 Recap/Review


Mar 27, 2003
Myrtle Beach, SC
Whipple Superchargers NMRA World Finals | Holley Intergalactic Ford Fest 2021 Recap/Review


It's no secret that the NMRA World Finals in Bowling Green, KY has long been one of my favorite events to attend. It's the bookend of a fantastic season of late model Ford racing action. The weather is typically a little cooler and the stakes are a little higher, so you see teams turning up the dial on their setups just a bit to get every last drop of performance out of their rig. Oftentimes, the result is the difference between taking home a championship and loading up a broken car.

Due to life getting in the way, it had been a couple years since I had personally made the trek out to BG. In that time NMRA had partnered with Holley to make this event truly something special. Now known as the Whipple Superchargers NMRA World Finals & Holley Intergalactic Ford Fest, it is easily one of the largest Ford'centric racing events in existence. Holley coming on board has made an already great event even better.

NMRA always offers great racing action, especially if you’re interested in the bleeding edge of Coyote Performance. However, the thing that makes this event different than other NMRA races is the partnership with Holley. The performance conglomerate best known for their classic carburetors brought their proven (LS Fest) event formula with them.

Holley’s Ford Fest features drifting, circle track racing, an off-road course, celebrity appearances, and Bigfoot. That really just scratches the surface of everything available. The vendor mid-way was massive, and this was probably the largest car show field I’ve ever seen at an NMRA event. There’s a little bit of something for everyone on the grounds, including pulled pork sandwiches and the opportunity to pick the brains of Holley Engineers. You can guarantee that we’ll be doing everything we can to insure we make it out to the 2022 edition of the event. Until then, I have a few pics from the car show to share:


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