Now with nitrous. (Sorry for all the posts this week, did alot and trying to share with you guys).
Man, just use them and enjoy them, I know I will in mine as I think we have pretty close to the same foam setup, except mine are the 79 pace car version so there is the thigh bolster extension.
I hate relying on people.
I mentioned having one a few pages ago.Not having any luck with a local guy that was suppose to powder coat valve covers and upper intake manifold. I'm done bothering him to see if he ordered the powder.
So I found some cleaned up and painted valve covers for sale. I have two upper intake manifolds that are kinda beat up. Not having much luck finding a good condition OEM one....
I hate replying on people.
Yup. Years ago a former boss drilled into me "Say what you'll do. Do what you'll say"
I've taken that to heart and apply it to a lot of things in life. I hate when i get told something and then the person drops the ball. Irks me because I don't do that to people.
So my car has disc brakes in an 8.8 housing. It has what appears to be 28 spline Summit Racing axles.
I'm trying to determine if these are SN95 length as my drag wheels stick out too far and the outer tire is up against the fender.
I measure just at 30" from front of axle flange to end of axle.
I believe this is 94-98 SN95 type, is that correct?
If so, I should be able to order Fox specific length and shave about 3/4 inch off each side I believe.
I'm in the same boat. I bought one right after you did and it's just sitting on my tool box.Finally getting around to installing this thing. Only been looking at the box on my desk for a year or soI'm.
I want this done on our 90 convertible. I hear it's more involved with stock bracing on convertibles.Got the car back from having MM full length subframes welded in.
Buttoned up the rest tonight. The fun part of seeing if she'll start and having leaks will have to wait. I may just crack the shop door open on a warmer day and see.
I'll have to re-torque the lower intake manifold bolts after a heat cycle and change the oil. Make sure coolant is full and all the air out of the system. Also set timing...