Pulled over for this?


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Single Barrel Sirs
Nov 17, 2002
Cheshire, CT
As someone already said, he was likely fishing. The partially obscured numeral was the excuse to stop you. Interesting, too, that he asked you if you were on probation or had a weapon in the vehicle.


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Apr 11, 2003
It’s called a pretext stop, he was looking for more which is why you didn’t get a ticket. There’s all kinds of reasons to do it like drunk driving or drug trafficking like dwest mentioned. Could be a bolo out for a vehicle like yours that was involved in a crime. We used to see cars from another nearby town park briefly in an area know for drug sales then find any stupid reason to stop it so we could try to start building PC to get into it and search occupants. Sometimes you stop the drug user that’s willing to talk and give us info on the dealer. With enough of those we could eventually get a warrant to take out the bigger problem. Dealers usually come with guns and significant amounts of dope which all stemmed from that late turn signal, blown plate lamp or in your case an obstructed plate.

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My last 4 years at the DA's office I was lead ADA for our narcotics squad...Officers, mainly young newbies, pulling that would certainly not like to be the chief witness in a motion to suppress.


Established Member
May 17, 2021
Syracuse, NY
My last 4 years at the DA's office I was lead ADA for our narcotics squad...Officers, mainly young newbies, pulling that would certainly not like to be the chief witness in a motion to suppress.

Sure, suppression hearings can be tough. I’ve had defense attorneys beat me up on the stand, especially the slime balls that are on call for the gang bangers. Never lost a suppression hearing though because as long as you document it properly and recall all the pertinent info on the stand to support your PC and pass the “reasonableness” standard it should work out. A good judge helps too. I could see a new cop having a tougher time but it’s all supported with case law and is well within the fourth amendment since a traffic violation is enough PC for the stop in the first place. Luckily drug addicts and their associates are usually messy and leave baggies, shake, needles, powder, bowls or other drug paraphernalia in plain sight so that helps get to the search. Don’t even get me started on their f’ed up stories about their comings and goings.

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Well-Known Member
Established Member
Apr 11, 2003
Sure, suppression hearings can be tough. I’ve had defense attorneys beat me up on the stand, especially the slime balls that are on call for the gang bangers. Never lost a suppression hearing though because as long as you document it properly and recall all the pertinent info on the stand to support your PC and pass the “reasonableness” standard it should work out. A good judge helps too. I could see a new cop having a tougher time but it’s all supported with case law and is well within the fourth amendment since a traffic violation is enough PC for the stop in the first place. Luckily drug addicts and their associates are usually messy and leave baggies, shake, needles, powder, bowls or other drug paraphernalia in plain sight so that helps get to the search. Don’t even get me started on their f’ed up stories about their comings and goings.

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Excellent response...I wish I had seen more like you when I was a prosecuting atty. Knowing the facts and how to articulate everything you see, smell, observations of occupants....that to the court is everything.


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Beer Money Bros.
Oct 14, 2010
Middle Earth
He was surely Fishing....... A lot of cops who like to do DUI's will stop anyone for any violation they can find. Of course warrants are another thing to. Its not the worst practice in the world nor the best.

The good thing is cops like that remove a lot of drunks off the street that kill familes on their way to or from their destinations. A lotta sex offenders out there as well with warrants being extra careful how they drive.

Cops always get the dont you have anything better to do when stopping someone for a minor violation.

Well, yea..... removing drunks off the street happens to be one of them and some ppl have been driving drunk for so long that they rarely commit violations cause they are extra careful as well but its their delayed reaction time from being intoxicated from a depressant that effects your (CNS) that causes most fatals.

He's only a douchebag when he writes u a ticket for the fishing expedition..... that happens to. Every profession has their 10%ers that dont belong! LE is no exception.


Established Member
Sep 28, 2004
You may never know why he pulled you over.
Alot of people who dont do LEO work call it fishing since they dont understand that line of work.
Could have been doing an investigation and checking if your vehicle or you matched up to anything associated with it.
Alot of civilians with their eyes wide shut dont see anything but what they want to see.
Most are blinded and brainwashed by the news anyway. Maybe take a pic from another vehicle behind your vehicle and see if your tag is obstructed the way it was told.
Everyone hates when any law is enforced but cry when they need the police.

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Party Liquor Posse
May 31, 2004
Charleston, SC
You may never know why he pulled you over.
Alot of people who dont do LEO work call it fishing since they dont understand that line of work.
Could have been doing an investigation and checking if your vehicle or you matched up to anything associated with it.
Alot of civilians with their eyes wide shut dont see anything but what they want to see.
Most are blinded and brainwashed by the news anyway. Maybe take a pic from another vehicle behind your vehicle and see if your tag is obstructed the way it was told.
Everyone hates when any law is enforced but cry when they need the police.

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Or they could have been fishing.


Established Member
Sep 28, 2004
Brainwashed with the fishing again
download (1).jpeg

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Well-Known Member
Established Member
Sep 3, 2005
You may never know why he pulled you over.
Alot of people who dont do LEO work call it fishing since they dont understand that line of work.
Could have been doing an investigation and checking if your vehicle or you matched up to anything associated with it.
Alot of civilians with their eyes wide shut dont see anything but what they want to see.
Most are blinded and brainwashed by the news anyway. Maybe take a pic from another vehicle behind your vehicle and see if your tag is obstructed the way it was told.
Everyone hates when any law is enforced but cry when they need the police.

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He said he pulled me over because my plate was partially blocked by the tow hitch. Anyone not blind could be able to tell what number was that was blocked by the ball.

If he was doing an investigation why wouldn’t he just tell me that?


Established Member
Sep 28, 2004
@ Adower
If he was doing an investigation why wouldn’t he just tell me that?

If it was an investigation he wouldn't tell you just because. Not saying you were part of anything but if you speak about anything going on and someone gets word it could spoil it. Could be doing 5 random car stops in the area and that number 4 is who they need info on.
Not saying.... it was just giving you an example.
Yeah Cops, Live PD was cool to watch.
Atleast you see all the real $#!+ that goes on in just a little time frane and not hushed by the media. Some people are lucky they get to open or conceal carry.
Usually less victims there lol.

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