Failure to engage


Extra Sprinkles
Established Member
Sep 25, 2013
Louisville, KY area
Got a chance to line up against some fast cars last night, but unfortunately that's all we did :nonono:. Saw a nice gen 4 Camaro that was rev happy and sounded decent getting on the highway, decided to cut over and follow figuring easy target. He didn't seem that interested, likely knew he didn't have anything for me, but then all of sudden it sounded like a damn pro-stock car was coming up next too me, Camaro #1 wasn't alone, he had a friend. It was another gen 4, but holy hell that may have been the loudest nastiest sounding car I've ever heard on the street. We're pacing each other at about 60. At this point I would have went if he would have honked it off or signaled me to - but he had dark tint, didn't roll down his window and didn't honk it off. Instead he just swung out to open a lane between us and stayed the same speed. I'm thinking WTF, so I floor it for a second up to about 85 then let off. I hear him downshift and get on it - but I had already left him far behind - not close to being an actual race.

I slow back down to 60. I assume he's going to come up on me in gear ready to go, but same thing, he pulls up and just paces me. Maybe waiting on me, who knows, but again doesn't roll down his window and I can't see past his tint. He swings out again and opens a lane between us and here comes buddy #2. It's a C6 Vette. I was next to it, so couldn't tell if it was a Z or not, but it sounded healthy. I'm thinking that was what he was trying to do the first time. So here we are, empty, wide interstate, me, a C6 and a built LS something lined up three wide. So what happened? Nothing.

They never honked it off, never gave me any signs, but I also didn't try to honk it off. Reason? It was midnight on a Saturday night and I knew we were coming up on a state police post. The odds of there being a cop ahead were better than 50/50. Maybe these guys also realized this. Unfortunately I soon had to either exit or drive about 15 miles out of my way, so I got off. The crazy loud Camaro seemed very upset that I was getting off. I think he was looking to hang a Terminator pelt on his wall.

I'm not really sure how it all went wrong. Maybe they were just ****ing with me and never intended to race. Maybe they figured I started ****ing with the first Camaro (I did) and they were just going to **** with me back but not run me. I guess I'm glad in a way because it would have just been stupid easy for us to get busted given where we were and the time of night.

Open to suggestions on how you guys would have handled it differently. I feel like I didn't follow protocol but really have no idea. Maybe I've been out of the game too long - it's been 10yrs since I had something worthy of a serious race. I've only had my car since last Sept and haven't had any serious races in it. Only a few pulls last fall with cars not worthy of mentioning.

If there was a Road-kill FAIL hall of fame, this would belong in it :nonono:.
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