Seems really loose with only have 12K miles on my 14 GT (see vid). Does not appear carrier bearing/bushing
is available for replacement and even 2 piece stock entire driveshaft does not seem
to be available. Anyone use a carbon fiber shaft that does not increase vibration? GT/DRIVESHAFT/CARRIER BEARING BUSHING/20220630_150645.mp4
(may have to click on 3 dots on lower right to download vid, Win 10
can be a PIA to start my vids off the server I use, sometimes).
is available for replacement and even 2 piece stock entire driveshaft does not seem
to be available. Anyone use a carbon fiber shaft that does not increase vibration? GT/DRIVESHAFT/CARRIER BEARING BUSHING/20220630_150645.mp4
(may have to click on 3 dots on lower right to download vid, Win 10
can be a PIA to start my vids off the server I use, sometimes).