crazy drivers


Established Member
Feb 3, 2004
On Two Wheels
I'm in utter disgust. They not only tried it once, but then again and again and again (obviously not the same person, but would YOU do something like that after you saw what could happen?). And then there were people stupid enough to stand around and watch and wait to be flattened by a mental midget. Then they look surprised when the inevitable happens.

Just goes to show how far off we are by being in the middle east (Iraq/Afganistan) anyway. Their culture is totally different than ours, and here we are trying to change what has evolved over millenia. They have no regard for life, law or common sense.

Good post, stupid pathetic people in that video.


BANNED !!!!!!!!!!
May 19, 2004
rich oil owners in iraq do that my brother is in army and watched the morons do it so many die or are hurt they really have no value for thier lives or others its plain and simple and that video just adds to the proof. but yeh they buy toyota's cause there a dime a dozen there and just tear them things up cause we pay them to buy oil out of thier property.


west bound and down
Established Member
Apr 17, 2003
North Texas
i shouldnt even bother d/l'ing it seeing as how ive prolly seen it already. the one where they are doing crazy drifting and then a couple goe off the road and tag some ppl. Then the SUV flips somewhere in the middle of an intersection, right? if so ive seen it and yes they are all morons.
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Mo Boost

Sunshine on the Darkside
Established Member
Sep 4, 2003
Fookin' Joizey
When you get oil subsidy dividends paid out in cash just for being a citizen of one of these countries....well, cars and material things come cheaply. You could afford the run the hell out of a car, not change the oil, and then buy another one.

I've seen more stupid drivers in this part of the world and they have more accidents just because of their attitude than anything else. The dumbest one I have witnessed was the Mustang idiot driving on the 6th Ring freeway (Kuwait City) at 90mph putting a sunscreen on his window with both hands....:nonono:

A few seconds later, he cut in front of us to the left lane and attempted to pass an SUV from the left-hand breakdown lane, forcing the SUV into the next lane.....

Now I know why they were paying me hazard pay bonuses in this focking place.:-D

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