First off, you're blessed to live in the "promised land" with it stand-your-ground law. I'm sure you know how different gun laws are up here in states like NY, CT and MA, where you're heavily restricted as far as what you can and can't do. Here, for example, if a thug attempts to break into your home, you're expected to call the police and retreat to a safe area in your home. If at that point the thug breaks down your bedroom door, and is intent on seriously harming you or shooting you, you can defend yourself with your gun. If the thug tries to break down your bedroom door, yelling "I'm going to kill you", and if unsuccessful goes back towards the front door, you cannot shoot have to allow him to retreat. If you shoot someone retreating, it's pretty much a given that you'll be arrested and charged with assault or worse. A close friend of mine is a cop (Sargeant) in my town, so I'm pretty well versed on what I CAN do, what I SHOULD do, what I SHOULDN'T do, and what I CAN'T do. I really envy you folks in the fine state of Florida where common sense favors the intended victim.wait, Bob… is that for real? You all over there dont have to defend yourselves with a firearm in case of imminent bodily harm??? Dafuq!!!
I carry all the time, but honestly I'm not comfortable with what I'd do if I was put in a defensive situation. It's easy to say I'd defend myself, my family, or others, but it's nowhere near a cut and dry as it is down in Florida. Stand-Your-Ground protection should be nationwide!