Another mass shooting


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Nov 19, 2001
San Antonio, TX
Imagine suing McDonald because your hot coffee was hot. How about they stop shooting helpless kids and just go after lawyers.
I hate to be that guy…but it was that the coffee was extremely hot, not just hot. It was damn close to boiling if I recall correctly.


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Jan 7, 2013
Atlanta, GA
I hate to be that guy…but it was that the coffee was extremely hot, not just hot. It was damn close to boiling if I recall correctly.



It’s no one’s responsibility to look out for you, but you.

I found out the house i grew up in didn’t have scald guards (were turned all the way up) on any of the showers, had been removed.

None of us ever got burns.

Stop protecting stupid people, we’re the ONLY species on this planet that does it.


Logic and Reason
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Feb 10, 2005
Under the bed


It’s no one’s responsibility to look out for you, but you.

I found out the house i grew up in didn’t have scald guards (were turned all the way up) on any of the showers, had been removed.

None of us ever got burns.

Stop protecting stupid people, we’re the ONLY species on this planet that does it.
Darwin has to work a lot harder than he used to


N2S come get some
Established Member
May 12, 2003
I hate to be that guy…but it was that the coffee was extremely hot, not just hot. It was damn close to boiling if I recall correctly.
Im not makin this up

My father could take a cup a MCDs or Dunkin coffee and the second the cup hit his hand it was right down his throat...his twin brother is the same way...i still dont get how it is/was possible

My cousins and i still talk about it lol


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Nov 19, 2001
San Antonio, TX


It’s no one’s responsibility to look out for you, but you.

I found out the house i grew up in didn’t have scald guards (were turned all the way up) on any of the showers, had been removed.

None of us ever got burns.

Stop protecting stupid people, we’re the ONLY species on this planet that does it.
I never said it wasn’t her responsibility. I was pointing out the reason she won was because of how hot the coffee was, not that she had no responsibility in the matter. It’s a bad comparison. The equivalent would be a gun company manufacturing a barrel with a margin of error that included a range to which a barrel could explode when loaded with hot ammo. Then the manufacture doesn’t inform you of this barrel only being capable of standard ammo 100% of the time. Yes, it is your responsibility to ensure you are loading correct ammo, however it is the manufacture’s responsibility to inform the consumer of design limits.

The jury went 80/20 responsibility with McDonalds bearing the brunt. If McDonalds advertised their coffee was served at near boiling temps, I would say it would be 100% her fault. But they didn’t and she couldn’t make an accurate risk analysis. I wouldn’t mind dipping my hand in 140* water real quick. But I sure as shit wouldn’t dip it 190* water. Knowing the potential harm puts the risk mitigation in my hands. The world is not so black and white in regards to responsibility.

But that isn’t the case with Glock getting sued. Comparing gun and car manufactures is the better comparison. In those cases responsibility can absolutely be 100% assigned and I think it is almost always the responsibility of the gun/car operator. Like why tf should Tesla be sued because someone used autopilot to nap, crashed, and killed people?


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Jun 11, 2005
Scranton, PA
I hate to be that guy…but it was that the coffee was extremely hot, not just hot. It was damn close to boiling if I recall correctly.
1.)The old broad decided to hold the cup of coffee (so she could add half and half) stationary by using her knees. I get that she was 79 but in all those years some common sense should have come her way. She claimed it was her fault but still wanted Ronald McDonald to pay her medical bills.

2.) The temperature was between 22 and 32 degrees under boiling.

3.) There was a time (hard to believe) when we took responsibility for our actions. Hell, as a kid I took the flesh off the roof of my mouth almost every time I went out for pizza whether Pizza Hut, Chuck E Cheese, Little Caesars, etc..., Today, as an adult, I allow the pie to cool before engaging.


4.) Check Keurig machines with the ability to increase temps. It goes much higher than ole Stella's asinine lawyers who argued it shouldn't be over 140 or so.
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Nov 19, 2001
San Antonio, TX
Im not makin this up

My father could take a cup a MCDs or Dunkin coffee and the second the cup hit his hand it was right down his throat...his twin brother is the same way...i still dont get how it is/was possible

My cousins and i still talk about it lol
Conditioning. I guarantee they couldn’t throw it down like that the first time. Not to say it isn’t impressive. But, I would never want to be able to do that. I wonder what other parts of their senses were dulled because of doing that.


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Nov 19, 2001
San Antonio, TX
1.)The old broad decided to hold the cup of coffee (so she could add half and half) stationary by using her knees. I get that she was 79 but in all those years some common sense should have come her way. She claimed it was her fault but still wanted Ronald McDonald to pay her medical bills.

2.) The temperature was between 22 and 32 degrees under boiling.

3.) There was a time (hard to believe) when we took responsibility for our actions. Hell, as a kid I took the flesh off the roof of my mouth almost every time I went out for pizza whether Pizza Hut, Chuck E Cheese, Little Caesars, etc..., Today, as an adult, I allow the pie to cool before engaging.
Read my response above. I agree with about 95% of this. McDonalds Coffee Case Facts | Texas Trial Lawyers Association


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Jan 7, 2013
Atlanta, GA
I never said it wasn’t her responsibility. I was pointing out the reason she won was because of how hot the coffee was, not that she had no responsibility in the matter. It’s a bad comparison. The equivalent would be a gun company manufacturing a barrel with a margin of error that included a range to which a barrel could explode when loaded with hot ammo. Then the manufacture doesn’t inform you of this barrel only being capable of standard ammo 100% of the time. Yes, it is your responsibility to ensure you are loading correct ammo, however it is the manufacture’s responsibility to inform the consumer of design limits.

The jury went 80/20 responsibility with McDonalds bearing the brunt. If McDonalds advertised their coffee was served at near boiling temps, I would say it would be 100% her fault. But they didn’t and she couldn’t make an accurate risk analysis. I wouldn’t mind dipping my hand in 140* water real quick. But I sure as shit wouldn’t dip it 190* water. Knowing the potential harm puts the risk mitigation in my hands. The world is not so black and white in regards to responsibility.

But that isn’t the case with Glock getting sued. Comparing gun and car manufactures is the better comparison. In those cases responsibility can absolutely be 100% assigned and I think it is almost always the responsibility of the gun/car operator. Like why tf should Tesla be sued because someone used autopilot to nap, crashed, and killed people?

I understand what you’re saying, and what I’m saying is all the warning labels and litigation that protects / ‘saves’ stupid people, is not benefiting society as a whole, it brings everyone down.

That’s why catering to the weakest individual doesn’t work, essentially ever. It punishes individuals with common sense, and quite literally rewards stupidity


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Jun 11, 2005
Scranton, PA
She knew it was a hot liquid and still decided to add cream and sugar while using her knees as a balancing board. 140 or 190 to me is meaningless as she still thought it was a good idea to pour hot liquids in proximity to her crotch.

Would you pour 140 degree coffee on or near your genitals or even take the risk?


Well-Known Member
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Jan 7, 2013
Atlanta, GA
She knew it was a hot liquid and still decided to add cream and sugar while using her knees as a balancing board. 140 or 190 to me is meaningless as she still thought it was a good idea to pour hot liquids in proximity to her crotch.

Would you pour 140 degree coffee on or near your genitals or even take the risk?

Thank you. Imo there’s 2 kinds of people.

With common sense.


The rules are always created for one, while the other goes ‘i wouldn’t do that; are you ****ing stupid?’

Yes, yes they are. And in New America, not only do we ignore these weaker individuals, we cater TO them.

‘I’m offended’ or ‘i don’t understand’ are the new normal.


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Nov 19, 2001
San Antonio, TX
I understand what you’re saying, and what I’m saying is all the warning labels and litigation that protects / ‘saves’ stupid people, is not benefiting society as a whole, it brings everyone down.

That’s why catering to the weakest individual doesn’t work, essentially ever. It punishes individuals with common sense, and quite literally rewards stupidity
Should speed ratings not be a thing with tires? It’s essentially a warning label.
She knew it was a hot liquid and still decided to add cream and sugar while using her knees as a balancing board. 140 or 190 to me is meaningless as she still thought it was a good idea to pour hot liquids in proximity to her crotch.

Would you pour 140 degree coffee on or near your genitals or even take the risk?
Man, go heat a pot of water to 140* put your hand in it, then heat it to 190* and repeat. Come back and tell me there is not a difference. There most certainly is a huge difference and therefore a difference in how I would respond.

With a sturdy cup in a stationary car with 140* coffee, I might consider it. I sure as **** would not consider with 190* coffee. The risk factors are extremely different. I’ve had 2nd degree burns and 3rd degree burns. Let me tell you, 3rd degree burns suck significantly more **** than 2nd.


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Jan 7, 2013
Atlanta, GA
Should speed ratings not be a thing with tires? It’s essentially a warning label.

What's that got to do with ole dumbass burning herself on coffee?

That's a BIT different. lolol

Someone goes 200mph in a cruze on tires rated for 140mph, that's on them. But again in #NewAmerica they just sue, and they win cuz idiocy has to be protected at all costs, apparently. Still waiting to see the benefit of protecting the stupid, i havent seen it yet.


Established Member
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Jun 11, 2005
Scranton, PA
Should speed ratings not be a thing with tires? It’s essentially a warning label.

Man, go heat a pot of water to 140* put your hand in it, then heat it to 190* and repeat. Come back and tell me there is not a difference. There most certainly is a huge difference and therefore a difference in how I would respond.

With a sturdy cup in a stationary car with 140* coffee, I might consider it. I sure as **** would not consider with 190* coffee. The risk factors are extremely different. I’ve had 2nd degree burns and 3rd degree burns. Let me tell you, 3rd degree burns suck significantly more **** than 2nd.
What's stopping you from heating up liquid to 140 degrees then pouring it on your genitals if it isn't that big of a deal?

I like spirited debate but cut out the "with a sturdy cup in a stationary car" nonsense and just say you wouldn't do it because you don't want to burn your twig which is understandable.

Edit: The old biddy lacked sense and we see it a lot these days. Quite honestly I can't believe some elderly people and how they choose to address things. That's not saying younger people aren't equally as asinine at times.


Well-Known Member
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Jan 7, 2013
Atlanta, GA
What's stopping you from heating up liquid to 140 degrees then pouring it on your genitals if it isn't that big of a deal?

I like spirited debate but cut out the "with a sturdy cup in a stationary car" nonsense and just say you wouldn't do it because you don't want to burn your twig which is understandable.

Edit: The old biddy lacked sense and we see it a lot these days. Quite honestly I can't believe some elderly people and how they choose to address things. That's not saying younger people aren't equally as asinine at times.

At least old people kiiiiiiinda have a reason (decaying mental health, etc)

Young people are just too busy to pay attention…..


Well-Known Member
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Nov 19, 2001
San Antonio, TX
What's that got to do with ole dumbass burning herself on coffee?

That's a BIT different. lolol

Someone goes 200mph in a cruze on tires rated for 140mph, that's on them. But again in #NewAmerica they just sue, and they win cuz idiocy has to be protected at all costs, apparently. Still waiting to see the benefit of protecting the stupid, i havent seen it yet.
They definitely wouldn’t win a lawsuit. It’s not different at all. It puts the responsibility on the consumer.

Define common sense for me. I’ll give you mine; learned behavior over the course of one’s life.

America has not gone as crazy as you make it seem.
What's stopping you from heating up liquid to 140 degrees then pouring it on your genitals if it isn't that big of a deal?

I like spirited debate but cut out the "with a sturdy cup in a stationary car" nonsense and just say you wouldn't do it because you don't want to burn your twig which is understandable.
What’s stopping me from intentionally pouring hot liquid on my dick? The fact is that it would be a stupid thing to do. I don’t know how else to tell you that everyday I make decisions about the protection of my dick. For instance, I’ve gone over speed bumps and slammed my dick into the gas tank of my bike. I didn’t mean to do it, but it happens and I’m still going to ride. This also doesn’t mean I would intentionally slam my dick into metal. An accident =/= an intention not matter how stupid the accident. However, responsibility can very in an accident.


Well-Known Member
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Jan 7, 2013
Atlanta, GA
They definitely wouldn’t win a lawsuit. It’s not different at all. It puts the responsibility on the consumer.

Define common sense for me. I’ll give you mine; learned behavior over the course of one’s life.

IMO - That's not common sense whatsoever, and probably part of the disconnect we're having.

You're describing knowledge that is gained FROM experience.

Common sense is defined as good sense and sound judgment in practical matters. A 5 year old can have common sense, and a 75 year old can be without.

I've never poured hot coffee on my dick, nor have I burned myself on a shower that got up and well over 200 degrees, to understand what 'hot' means, and how said things shouldnt make contact with anything I dont want.......get be burned.

I have common sense. You're either born with it or you're not. People dont 'gain' common sense.


Well-Known Member
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Nov 19, 2001
San Antonio, TX
IMO - That's not common sense whatsoever, and probably part of the disconnect we're having.

You're describing knowledge that is gained FROM experience.

Common sense is defined as good sense and sound judgment in practical matters. A 5 year old can have common sense, and a 75 year old can be without.

I've never poured hot coffee on my dick, nor have I burned myself on a shower that got up and well over 200 degrees, to understand what 'hot' means, and how said things shouldnt make contact with anything I dont want.......get be burned.

I have common sense. You're either born with it or you're not. People dont 'gain' common sense.
Dude, you just don’t remember the time your parents rationalized heat and burns to you or when you burned yourself and made the connection. Clearly the old lady knew that hot liquid could burn her, she wasn’t oblivious to this fact. She just didn’t know how hot and therefore how severe the burn could be. She made a costly decision based on faulty information.

Is sexuality an innate sense? I’m going to guess you think it is, obviously correct me if I am wrong. However, that would mean being gay is natural. Making another assumption, I’m going to guess you would say majority are not born gay and it is something learned. I think there is a natural instinct to procreate, but sexuality is learned.

So yes, you instinctually (biochemically) pull away or avoid things that will burn you. But you have to learn what those things are. Then you make risk decisions. I have definitely pulled a hot as **** bowl out of the microwave to place it on the counter. Then wrapped it in a towel after I realized how actually ****ing hot the bowl was and it isn’t something I’ve only done once. I am sure that had the old lady known that the coffee would give her that severe of an injury, she would have done something differently.


Well-Known Member
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Jan 7, 2013
Atlanta, GA
Dude, you just don’t remember the time your parents rationalized heat and burns to you or when you burned yourself and made the connection. Clearly the old lady knew that hot liquid could burn her, she wasn’t oblivious to this fact. She just didn’t know how hot and therefore how severe the burn could be. She made a costly decision based on faulty information.

Is sexuality an innate sense? I’m going to guess you think it is, obviously correct me if I am wrong. However, that would mean being gay is natural. Making another assumption, I’m going to guess you would say majority are not born gay and it is something learned. I think there is a natural instinct to procreate, but sexuality is learned.

So yes, you instinctually (biochemically) pull away or avoid things that will burn you. But you have to learn what those things are. Then you make risk decisions. I have definitely pulled a hot as **** bowl out of the microwave to place it on the counter. Then wrapped it in a towel after I realized how actually ****ing hot the bowl was and it isn’t something I’ve only done once. I am sure that had the old lady known that the coffee would give her that severe of an injury, she would have done something differently.

This getting way off the rails here lol but here we go

- lady knows hot liquids burn, lady proceeds to place liquids in unstable / dangerous position, and it burned her. To me, it would appear this individual lacks common sense. Which is a shame because she’s had some 70+ Years to learn it, according to you. To me, she is an idiot, and will always be an idiot. No matter how many classes she takes at the local community college, or how often her parents held her.

- sexuality is an innate sense, yes. I do not feel / believe that one can simply snap their fingers and truly, i mean TRULY change their sexuality. (What does this have to do with common sense….?)

Again, i say let weaker individuals die, and you want to protect them. And then we wonder why we are in some of the situations we are in today.

What benefit (removing all emotions) does protecting the weak provide? I don’t want to hear about how it helps you sleep better at night. Nahmean?

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