Most insurance is a scam. The problem today is that most people, unless your home is paid off, are forced to buy insurance. When you have a nation full of people being forced to buy something, the price is going to be high and the service is going to suck. When I add up all the insurance I pay a year, home, auto, health, business, it is probably in the $50k a year range. I will never get that back out of the insurance company. I'm probably entering my last year that I'm going to be building and after I can drop the business insurance, which I'm forced to have by the licensing department, I will be looking at self insuring everything. I'm sure that means paying an attorney for some estate planning to have no personal assets, paying for concierge medicine, self insuring my vehicles, and no insurance on my house. In my lifetime, I would guess so far I have paid $200k-300k and have received at most $100k in payouts. That is mostly for overpriced medical stuff. Not to go into another tangent, but next time you have a procedure ask what the cash price is. You will find that the cash price will be in the range of your deductible. When you get the insurance bill, all the sudden that $5-10k procedure is $50-60k. Most people have 20% co pays plus their deductible. The insured person ends up paying more for the procedure than it really cost.
Not a fan of this show because it leans so far to the left it’s communist propaganda garbage but sometimes they do actually participate in journalism.
This one caught my attention.