Search results

  1. 24kmach

    My ride in a 1945 Mustang

    Enjoy the show. Photo Show that is. Click on small square at bottom right corner for full screen. : 2010-08-28 Wings & Wheels Aug. 2 | Roxio PhotoShow
  2. 24kmach

    How many of you are hooked on

    PEZ? :)
  3. 24kmach

    Bosch 4505 Platinum IR Fusion Spark Plug

    Have any of you tried this spark plug in your Cobra or Mach 1? If you have please tell us how you like or dislike them. I'm thinking of buying a set.
  4. 24kmach

    Sweet music

    I hope this has not been posted already. I passed on a 2010 Shelby waiting for this and to save, I hope, $15,000. 2011 Mustang 50L V8 Dyno Test - Car Videos on StreetFire
  5. 24kmach

    I know what's HOT for the new year.

    I went everywhere today looking for 45APC and 410 00 Buck. Nota, nowhere to be found. Cupboards are bare. None to be found at any price. I even went to Wally World after all the gun shops. Big Five had O. What's going on people? How about in your part of the country? :??:
  6. 24kmach

    Mustang Game

    Crazy Mustang
  7. 24kmach

    A very sad Christmas story

    While standing in the middle of the RR tracks, he heard a whistle, but didn't know what it was. Predictably, he's hit and is thrown to the side of the tracks. After weeks in the hospital recovering, he's at his friend's house attending a party. While in the kitchen, he suddenly hears the...
  8. 24kmach

    failure to yield ticket

    Did you all know of the tack on to the failure to yield tcket? It passed here in Washington Jan. 3rd 2009. It states that if an officer of the law has someone pulled over on a four lane highway you must change lanes to the inside or slow to 20 MPH below the posted speed. It has passed in all...
  9. 24kmach

    New but old guy.

    Hello all. Speak up I can't hear you. Where's my glasses? My God I think I wet my pants. I have to go now. :bs:
