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  1. U

    My Friend was put in ICU from my birthday party

    I was just interviewed by Channel 5 News along with a couple of my friends. When we were leaving the Candle Room after my birthday around 2 A.M. Sunday morning, I realized one of my friends Brian was not in the truck next to me. All of a sudden I hear them yelling "They keep hitting Brian." So I...
  2. U

    FINALLY got my pretty red baby back yesterday afternoon....

    Went and picked my Cobra up yesterday afternoon after 2 LONG LONG LONG LONG months. I missed it.....a lot! :o After hydroplaning on I-30 and smashing in to the median.... and it looking like this: It now looks like this........ it is extremely dirty-but runs and is all in one...
  3. U

    Heat exchanger for 03/04 Cobra...

    What heat exchanger would you put on your 03/04 Cobra....I have to pick another one out and am sitting here reading about different ones for my 04... and wanted opinions on which ones to get or not to get.
  4. U

    Wrecked my 2004 Cobra...

  5. U

    My Dyno....

  6. U

    Problems with my 04 Cobra

    Has anyone ever had any problems with your Cobra surging and just randomly dying when you push the clutch in? I can't figure out what the hell is wrong with this damn thing.:??: Any help is appreciated. Thanks, Brittany
