Search results

  1. J

    Prank War

    There are 4 videos here. The last 2 are far and away i would say the best. But really you should watch them in order just to see how these pranks escalate. Both of these guys work for collegehumor. Theres a little bad language in them so theres the warning for ya. Prank 1...
  2. J

    National Geographic Fight Science

    All of these are pretty damn cool. My favorite one is the part on brick breaking. Enjoy. Part 1: Part 2: Part 3: Part 4:
  3. J

    Why Duke Sucks (NWS Language)

    For all those other people out there who could not have been more happy to see Duke taken out in the first round, i give you this...
  4. J

    Boston "Terrorist" Attack

    This is a pretty funny video that was made about the Aqua Teen Hunger Force advertising campagin that shut down Boston a couple weeks ago..
  5. J

    Evolution Performance GT500

    Not sure if anyone has been following what this shop has been doing with their GT500, but they just broke into the 9's with it. Enjoy
  6. J

    Dave Millen Vid??

    Does anyone have any vids of Dave Millen mustangs? I accidnetally deleted the two i had when i cleaned up my desktop. Thanks.
