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  1. swflastang05

    GM 3 Bar Map Sensor Equation for SCT X4

    The SCT x4 has a few built in equations for common analog input devices for viewing data on the display, however I need to use the formula for a GM 3 Bar MAP sensor ((v*9.78)-14.7) and the preset equations only include a GM 1 Bar Map sensor, is it possible to add another formula for the 3 Bar?
  2. swflastang05

    Live Link Gen II analog input only displays raw voltage

    SCT experts chime in! I recently upgraded from an x3 to an x4 and have been trying to get all the bugs worked out. I have everything working correctly with one exception, that is displaying the analog input data properly via the formulas when recording direct from the X4. I'm using two widebands...
