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  1. S

    What do other countries, think of Americans?

    In general people like Americans, especially the ones that take time and effort to see the world. That said, very few like our government, leaders and international interventions. You will find some that love the US and want to move there. You’ll find some that hate the US and let you know it...
  2. S

    Fastest Car on Netflix

    It’s pretty entertaining. I didn’t like how every car that wasn’t an exotic was termed a sleeper. They also tried really hard to drive the divide between those that buy nice cars and those that build their own cars. I bet most of the “sleeper”owners would buy a high end sports car if it was...
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    You Cannot Make This Stuff Up - Safe Injection sites

    No, the program hasn’t not been shut down and has been expanded since 2012. The three biggest cities in Denmark all have “fix rooms” and the largest one in Scandinavia has been set up in Copenhagen. The large facility is called H17, you can look up pictures of it, it’s quite nice. As to the...
  4. S

    Umm, Yeah, So, About That Man Made Climate Change

    I typed up a nice long response with figures and everything but the reply function hates me and won't post it. Essentially, yes we are still coming out of an Ice Age, which by the Earth's standards are not the norm. We know that due to paleoclimate reconstruction which can be read about...
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    Millenial Car Guys...ahem...Car Persons

    Did you assume my species? I need to go to my safe place... Seriously though many red flags with up and coming generations are rooted in societal issues. It's a multifaceted problem, but many can be solved in the home. There are a good number of people from my generation that do not fall...
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    NWS Pics that make you :lol: every time you see them NWS

    Men du ikke taler norske, hellere svenske. Det er jo danske du skriver ;-)
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    Two Ford Engines amongst top 10 Engines of 2011

    Full article: GDI Dominates <i>Ward’s 10 Best Engines</i> List Its good to see some recognition as Ford steps up their game!
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    Royal Purple Forum Wars

    For those of you who did not get a chance to see it, it can be viewed at: The Forum Wars
