Ticketed for tint in NY


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Established Member
Jan 23, 2012
Toronto, ON
I received a ticket a couple of months ago for having too dark of a tint on my side window. The tint on my Mustang is 20% ceramic. The issue that I have with the ticket is that not only am I out of state, I am from a different country(Canada). Is it normal to get a ticket like this? The tint is perfectly legal where I am.


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Jan 20, 2006
Conway, Wa
Generally you must follow the laws of the state you are in. I can legally have weed where I am, but it's not legal in new york.
In my experience the officer usually allows a warning so I feel you got kind of ****ed.

New York's laws do not exempt you from following their laws.
Exemption of non-resident owners and operators


Active Member
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Jun 19, 2006
L.I. New York
OP have you sent in your plea yet? NY VTL Section 250 is your safe haven.

"Except as otherwise provided in subdivision three of this section, the provisions of this chapter relative to the registration and equipment of motor vehicles, motorcycles and trailers and the display of registration numbers shall not apply to a motor vehicle, motorcycle or trailer owned by a non-resident of this state, provided that the owner thereof shall have complied with the provisions of the law of the foreign country, state, territory or federal district of his residence relative to registration and equipment of such motor vehicle, motorcycle or trailer, as the case may be, and the display of registration numbers thereon, and shall conspicuously display his registration numbers as required thereby.  


Well-Known Member
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Mar 6, 2014
Saratoga, NY
I received a ticket a couple of months ago for having too dark of a tint on my side window. The tint on my Mustang is 20% ceramic. The issue that I have with the ticket is that not only am I out of state, I am from a different country(Canada). Is it normal to get a ticket like this? The tint is perfectly legal where I am.

(Please leave the cop bashing out of the Donut Shop - silver03svt) Usually they just give you a warning. If you can prove the tint was legal where you have the car registered the judge will throw it out.
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Beer Money Bros.
Oct 14, 2010
Middle Earth
Every state has different laws and when u pass thru them u have to abide by that states laws but most states have exempt statutes for equipment violations as each state has different rules.

its really corny tho cause we have states that have no tint laws and the Cop should have used common sense being from another country.

Please leave the cop bashing out of the Donut Shop - silver03svt

I received a ticket a couple of months ago for having too dark of a tint on my side window. The tint on my Mustang is 20% ceramic. The issue that I have with the ticket is that not only am I out of state, I am from a different country(Canada). Is it normal to get a ticket like this? The tint is perfectly legal where I am.
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US Army (Ret)
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Feb 19, 2010
Savannah, Ga
Not window tint but....
got hit by a camera in California. It was dropped, out of state plates, military.
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