The Minneapolis Police Choke an Unarmed Handcuffed Black Man to Death


The Man, Myth, The Legend
Established Member
Jan 7, 2005
@nomoretickets you must be bored bro lol. Stop trying to explain hings to these guys. Like I said earlier in the thread if they don't get it now they just don't want too. I don't think one person in this thread is OK with rioting and looting, but it's easier for them to focus on that than the actual reason all this is happening in the first place. The reform points you posted a page or so ago is EXACTLY what should have happened YEARS ago.

You posted those points and dudes response was "well that all fine and dandy" "what about the looters". You think he really cares about this shit?


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Mar 5, 2014
Do you actually think the people who are rioting and looting give a shit about George Floyd?

That doesnt change anything about the fact that George Floyd was murdered, and its was the tragically predictable result of our nation's on going police problems.


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All of the usual things that happen when. Individuals commit criminal acts. I'm not saying give anyone a free pass, I'm saying let's not forget that 1) the protests are overwhelmingly non-violent, and 2) there is a reason those protests are happening.

Police are overwhelmingly good. Let’s not forget that.

Or is that not how this works because you need an excuse?

I was wrong about the Kung Flu


The Man, Myth, The Legend
Established Member
Jan 7, 2005
I literally just said I agree with the peaceful protesting.

I do not agree with the other half who have an alternative motive, which is being well documented through every media outlet.

And I'm not defending or condoning the thoughts or actions of anyone in this thread, I just think that you're like many people who don't see anything wrong with what's going on THAT ISN'T PEACEFUL.

Thats the thing, it ISN'T half the people rioting/looting. Dude there are THOUSANDS of people protesting daily. How is a couple hundred out causing trouble HALF?


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Jul 28, 2006
....If you are more upset by the protests than the fact that a cop slowly killed a handcuffed man then you need to reflect on your priorities.

At what point did I ever try to say the rioting or looting was justified? I'll wait.

Gee I don't know, maybe when you said people who are more upset by the protest than George Floyd dying have their priorities backwards. Sounds like a justification to me.

Sounds like you believe the death of a black man is worse than the death of several other people and the destruction of thousands of peoples property.

Almost like black lives matter more than all others.


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Jan 18, 2018
The videos of people getting beat up have been during the day so it isn't just happening after dark.

I saw ZERO violence where I was at. And I was in the middle of it. Saw lots of protesting and also a lot of looting and fires, but absolutely no violence.


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Mar 5, 2014
Gee I don't know, maybe when you said people who are more upset by the protest than George Floyd dying have their priorities backwards. Sounds like a justification to me.

Sounds like you believe the death of a black man is worse than the death of several other people and the destruction of thousands of peoples property.

Almost like black lives matter more than all others.
Thats not a justification, thats the observation that one of these wrongs has directly flowed from an earlier, and ethically more serious wrong.


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Jul 28, 2006
There have been tens of thousands marching peacefully in CHI every day, but all you see on the news is the 100 or so shit heads who stay out all night agitating and taking advantage of the situation. To say nothing of all the videos of protestors trying to stop agitators from vandalism.

And no one is saying this is the only or the biggest problem. But it's the most visible right now, and let's face it. It's a bad problem.

Interesting. So you recognize the media only shows part of the picture when it comes to the protest (the worst part) yet are completely oblivious that there are many encounters of bad people hurting police that don't make the news? Or the police killing white people without cause that don't make this news.

Can't have it both ways.


Show me your Members
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Jan 23, 2012
Toronto, ON
You can't be serious with this. So if I hop over to the COVID thread you are pounding the table about how serious COVID is and how we need to give up our civil liberty for it? GTFO

There is a difference between protesting and looting BTW.

It is evident that people have short term memory. People will sit at their TV and watch the destruction and say: "Oh no, that is awful. We have to intervene" and then go back to eating their breakfast and move on with their day. People like to pretend they care, but they don't actually care. In a few weeks, people will forget about George Floyd and focus on the next issue the media decides to make important.


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Jan 18, 2018
Thats the thing, it ISN'T half the people rioting/looting. Dude there are THOUSANDS of people protesting daily. How is a couple hundred out causing trouble HALF?

Minneapolis had zero police presence and I would say it was about 2/3 1/3 protestors to rioters. But there were 5k to 10k in the streets so you are still talking thousands not hundreds.

Funniest looters were the Iittle immigrant Somali grandmothers running out of stores with their hands full......


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Jun 21, 2008
It feels like to me, the media is covering up the worst parts of these 'protest'.

I'm in Chicago, over the last few nights there have been numerous reports of women assualted and raped, elderly people being assualted and even a carjacking where the assailant took off with the owners 4 year old in the back seat. This stuff isn't being shown on TV.


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Jan 18, 2018
It is evident that people have short term memory. People will sit at their TV and watch the destruction and say: "Oh no, that is awful. We have to intervene" and then go back to eating their breakfast and move on with their day. People like to pretend they care, but they don't actually care. In a few weeks, people will forget about George Floyd and focus on the next issue the media decides to make important.

Trust me, Minneapolis will not forget Floyd any sooner than Hiroshima forgot about Little Boy. YMMV


Active Member
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Mar 5, 2014
Interesting. So you recognize the media only shows part of the picture when it comes to the protest (the worst part) yet are completely oblivious that there are many encounters of bad people hurting police that don't make the news? Or the police killing white people without cause that don't make this news.

Can't have it both ways.
No, I am aware of all that too. The police oversight reforms being advocated will also benefit those white victims of police brutality. Because it is an institutional problem as much as it is about the "few bad apples" that are giving police a bad name. The reforms I posted earlier are commonly advocated across the nation and promote the dual purpose of identifying those problem officers who give everyone in uniform a bad name, while also equipping our officers with all the tools they need to do their job properly. White men especially and commonly neglected by the mental health system. Police become defacto mental health crisis first responders, but far too few of them receive the necessary training to confront those situations safely. How many unarmed white guys have we seen pull a suicide by cop? They dont need to be dying either, and thats what these reforms are about.


Show me your Members
Established Member
Jan 23, 2012
Toronto, ON
Trust me, Minneapolis will not forget Floyd any sooner than Hiroshima forgot about Little Boy. YMMV
All I see is protesters shouting slogans that were recycled from protests years ago. What actual demands and reform do they want? These protests are really poorly organized for people who seemingly want change.


The Man, Myth, The Legend
Established Member
Jan 7, 2005
Minneapolis had zero police presence and I would say it was about 2/3 1/3 protestors to rioters. But there were 5k to 10k in the streets so you are still talking thousands not hundreds.

Funniest looters were the Iittle immigrant Somali grandmothers running out of stores with their hands full......

Are you getting videos as well as pics? You should start a thread in pic/vids if so.


Active Member
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Mar 5, 2014
All I see is protesters shouting slogans that were recycled from protests years ago. What actual demands and reform do they want? These protests are really poorly organized for people who seemingly want change.

The slogans are recycled from a few years ago because surprise! almost nothing has changed. Its the same problems, and they are still pushing for the same solutions. To quote a sign I've seen around: "I cant believe I still have to protest this shit"

To start?
Independent prosecutors for police misconduct, unsealed police misconduct and discipline reports, civilian oversight boards, community policing strategies, mandatory retraining on deescalation and implicit bias. There are groups lobbying for these reforms nation wide. Happy to help you find one in your town.


Well-Known Member
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Jul 28, 2006
No, I am aware of all that too. The police oversight reforms being advocated will also benefit those white victims of police brutality. Because it is an institutional problem as much as it is about the "few bad apples" that are giving police a bad name. The reforms I posted earlier are commonly advocated across the nation and promote the dual purpose of identifying those problem officers who give everyone in uniform a bad name, while also equipping our officers with all the tools they need to do their job properly. White men especially and commonly neglected by the mental health system. Police become defacto mental health crisis first responders, but far too few of them receive the necessary training to confront those situations safely. How many unarmed white guys have we seen pull a suicide by cop? They dont need to be dying either, and thats what these reforms are about.

I am fine with reforms. Albeit it can't be a one way street. The way communities deal with police need to change too. A lot of police officers die too.

However, I am sorry to say these protest have lost their meaning. There has too much destruction going on. Not only that but many of the so called peaceful protest are filled with hate. They curse, yell and berate the police. Maybe not physically violent but definitely verbally abusive and violent.

I can't get behind those who hate. I don't care what their justification is. They are no different than the ones they hate at that point.


Well-Known Member
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Jan 18, 2018
Are you getting videos as well as pics? You should start a thread in pic/vids if so.

Just pics. I left the area on Sunday (ironically to take a SWAT tactical rifle course...). I might go back today. The semi that went through the crowd freaked me out because I would have been where that happened.


Well-Known Member
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Oct 16, 2005
Deer Park, Texas, United States
@nomoretickets you must be bored bro lol. Stop trying to explain hings to these guys. Like I said earlier in the thread if they don't get it now they just don't want too. I don't think one person in this thread is OK with rioting and looting, but it's easier for them to focus on that than the actual reason all this is happening in the first place. The reform points you posted a page or so ago is EXACTLY what should have happened YEARS ago.

You posted those points and dudes response was "well that all fine and dandy" "what about the looters". You think he really cares about this shit?
The media makes it easier. They made it the discussion because that's all they are putting out there. I believe that there are far more good people out there than bad and I've seen evidence of that through social media, but for some reason that doesn't get ratings. There are people of all races walking together in those marches and cleaning up after the looters but most people don't get to see that. There are videos of black and white people standing together trying to stop the looters but again that's not the story. Instead you have the media doing more than one take in front of a burning car to make sure they get the most mayhem possible in the shot.

While the issue with blacks and cops is one that needs attention, it isn't hard to find videos of cops harassing white people too. I think most of the time it isn't a race issue with cops, but a bad cop issue. I think you were the one that pointed out not hiring people because their IQ was to high. The hiring and training of the police needs to be looked at across the country to identify the flaws and work towards fixing them.

The other issues need to be talked about too (and not just for blacks). Not having fathers in the home isn't a good thing. Not finishing high school isn't a good thing. Joining gangs isn't a good thing. Looking into what is causing these issues and fixing them will do far more to help the black community than anything else.

I've already had to field questions and have had issues from my son because he isn't white like my daughter and I. Some kid in his class one year called him dark Colin and the other Colin was white Colin. He has asked why he looks different than us and one day he may have issues with the other people because of it, but we raise our kids to not listen to people like that.

We can all be better than this.

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