Recent content by sbro712

  1. S

    Texas Drag racing answer

    Texas House Bill 1326 to increase the penalties for Street Racing. The bill would increase the misdemeanor penalty for anyone convicted of illegally racing on public highways or streets. It would also suspend that person's driver's license for a year. The bill would increase the penalty...
  2. S


    Any of my fellow cops stop any terrorists yet? I got one this morning! Stopped a car for speeding just before my shift ended and as I was talking to the driver (who I could tell did not like the police one bit) the dispatcher began asking me if I was 10-12. I told her that I was. She...
  3. S

    Required reading

    One of my buddies sent me this. Funny and has a bit of truth to it. I figured it might be good for some conversation. To all of us who have been there and done that....sit back and enjoy! Why Cops Hate You (if you have to ask, get out of the way) by Chuck Milland Have you ever been...
