Recent content by mysticvenom623

  1. mysticvenom623

    test pic

  2. mysticvenom623

    Seriously. .. what woulf you do????

    Seriously. .. what would you do???? Long story short, I was at a dealership looking at a car and heard two employees making racial slurs about Asians and Hispanics. They saw me and quickly stopped talking. Being Asian, I took offense to this and asked for their names but they refused to give...
  3. mysticvenom623

    test pic

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  4. mysticvenom623

    Just bought a Mystichrome Vert #623

    I have been wanting the Mystichrome Vert for many years so I decided to take the plunge. I have only seen pictures of the color on-line. I cannot believe how nice the paint looks in person. The wife also loves the color which is a huge plus. :) It is stock other than a MAC Boom Tube...
