Recent content by hillie16

  1. hillie16


    I haven't signed on in a LONG time, I've cut my net activity back a lot in the last few years. Logged on today and had several private message that were several months old, my apologies to those who sent them, that I never replied. That's being said, How the hell is everyone?
  2. hillie16


    Memba me??:pepper:
  3. hillie16

    Dealerships wrecks Corvette, won't fix it. YIKES!!
  4. hillie16

    How did they not catch this???

    This is the front page of yesterdays sports section from my local newspaper.......
  5. hillie16

    Steelers win again!!!

    WOOT!! Shut down the Eagles WOOHOO!!
  6. hillie16

    New Puppy!

    Jack Russell terrier, registered, and FREE!!
  7. hillie16

    Does this sound legit to you guys? (other officers please respond)

    I've been trying to sell my car, and have been communicating through e-mail with this guy, now he definitely wants to buy the car he says, lemme know if this looks legit to you guys.......(took the monetary figures and e-mails out, lest anyone think I trying to post a veiled ad) I wanted to...
  8. hillie16

    How do people do it....I want to cry...

    :( :( :( Putting the GTS up for sale (on ebay, ad isn't up yet, and I'm not putting it here, so this isn't an ad) cuz I wanna buy a house and I need to get rid of some debt. I've owned this car longer than any others I've ever had. I feel like I'm giving a kid up for adoption. Jesus, I can't...
  9. hillie16

    ALL LEOs in this forum please read.

    If you would like your name added to the ticket FAQ thread at the top of the forums, please post here your username and state.
  10. hillie16

    Woah!! Olsen Twins!!!

    My wife is sitting here watching Oprah Winfrey, and those Olsen twins are on. To me they always looked odd....couldn't figure out why..... Today I figured it out!!! Have you ever seen the movie "The Dark Crystal"? The Olsen twins are GELFLINGS!!!
  11. hillie16

    Lost a rim!!!

    Going down the highway yesterday in the passing lane, car on one side, jersey barrier on the other. Car beside me is crowding me and the truck in front of me looses firewood off the back, and an exceptionally large piece decided to blow my tire and bend my rim. At least it was the one with curb...
  12. hillie16

    LOL the reason our insurance rates are so high.
  13. hillie16

    Biggest. Dumbass. Ever.
  14. hillie16

    G3 Tour

    Anyone else gone/going? I'm going Saturday, Can't WAIT!!!
  15. hillie16

    Sweet new keyboard.

    Got tired of hittin the wrong keys playing CS in the dark....
