Recent content by allister

  1. allister

    Student Loans: Who's got em, and who thinks its a bubble

    I went to a cheaper school, graduated, a coworker had let me borrow their Dave Ramsay's book Financial Peace, said someone gave it to them when they graduated, and it was life changing. I made it my number one goal to get my loans paid off. Sold my car for a cheaper one so I could get rid of...
  2. allister

    Cell Phone Scammers Driving Me Crazy - Any Viable Solutions??

    I've been getting a lot of calls and have done some things that have seemed to help. I don't have a voicemail setup. I won't answer a lot of calls, and if I'm not sure if it's a spammer or not, if you just pick up without saying anything, it will automatically disconnect if you don't say hello...
  3. allister

    **UPDATED** Potential Problem! | Purple Mattress

    I have been looking at the Purple, Casper, Tuft and Needle...etc I am curious if you looked at all of the options and what made you choose Purple? Hate our current Serta iSeries pillowtop. Super cozy in the store. A few weeks and it started sagging. Switched it per their free trial for a...
  4. allister

    my dogs killed the neighbors cat

    They have every right to file a report because your dogs broke through that fence, there's really nothing you can do to stop them. What you can do is beef up your fence ASAP, still offer to pay vet bills, and heck, maybe call animal control yourself and find out what type of fence they recommend...
  5. allister

    What is your Daily Routine?

    Do you function well on that much sleep? I feel like if I sleep 5 hours I can wake up easier, but body wants to crash hard in the afternoon. If I get a solid 7 hours of sleep though I feel like I can hustle all day
  6. allister

    What is your Daily Routine?

    I am slowly starting to realize in life that the more routine I make something, the easier it makes it to get it done and take the decision out of doing it or not. I've been against routines all my life because my parents were hardcore routine it was annoying how they would never sway from it or...
  7. allister

    Who’s number one on your playlist?

    Beartooth A Day to Remember I Prevail Falling in Reverse Pretty much had those 4 bands on repeat the last few months
  8. allister

    Warm Places to Visit/Adventure in January

    Thank you so much for all of this! I was looking around on the map and Tombstone looks pretty awesome. Love wandering around and checking out neat things so that's right up our alley. Thank you for the suggestions! We've done Florida a million times and go to GA every September. I would like...
  9. allister

    Warm Places to Visit/Adventure in January

    Thank you for the suggestion! Nonstop flights from PIT to PHX so that's a huge bonus! Will look into this more thank you!
  10. allister

    Warm Places to Visit/Adventure in January

    Winter Blues start to kick in for me about halfway through January and I have to go somewhere warm and sunny and get outside. We used to always go to a cheap all inclusive for a long weekend, but our trip to Iceland this summer kind of ruined ever wanting to do a resort again. I found a love for...
  11. allister

    Trip to NOLA end of September

    Bourbon Street, French Quarter, Beignets IMO were underwhelming for all the hype but still have to get them, WWII musuem for sure, I'm not usually much into museums but it was amazing. A lot of people hype up bourbon street to be scary at night, when I went earlier this year, there were so many...
  12. allister

    For those who travel often for work...Best Hotel Discounts? AAA worth it?

    Hello all! I am self employed and travel on the road often for work with an enclosed trailer in tow. I recently tried to stay at a cheaper hotel this past weekend to save some money (Sleep Inn) and had an awful experience. I generally stay at Holiday Inn Express, Hampton Inn, and hotels in that...
  13. allister

    What state to move to?

    I feel like I was in your exact situation a few years ago. Live in PA, hated the cold and weeks of gray skies. Furthermore couldn't stand the area I lived in, close minded people. I'm very motivated and goal driven, but most people scoff at me for 'working too much'. Felt like I never fit in. I...
  14. allister

    New Orleans trip or another city?

    I am sorry to revive an old thread but I feel it's worth it! A couple months ago some friends invited us to go to New Orleans this past weekend. This thread was still in my mind as I am always looking for awesome weekend getaways but obviously don't want to go anywhere sketchy and had a mental...
  15. allister

    Acid Reflux / GERD - Any Recommendations?

    I used to wake up in the middle of the night sick with acid reflex. It was an ongoing thing for me for a little while. Cutting all dairy, not eating big meals a few hours before bedtime and cutting back on drinking have pretty much cured me.
