Recent content by Agent-GHQ

  1. Agent-GHQ

    Should I get the 2013 GT500 or BMW 2013 M3

    Now that I've saved enough for either cars, I'm kinda on the fence whether the 2013 GT500 or the 2013 M3 is a better buy for my mulah. I've never owned or driven either car so I thought I'd ask those who have for some perspectives. Any advice or pros/cons would greatly be appreciated.
  2. Agent-GHQ

    Ford Mustang GT Concept

    I'm drooling like a kid staring at the Mustang GT concept. Too bad it didn't make into production. I'd have love to have one EXACTLY as is. Here's hte link: 1. 2...
  3. Agent-GHQ

    '07-'09 Stock Cobra GT 500 into an Eleanor Kit

    I was just curious to see what everyone's comments, questions, concerns, thoughts, or opinion on Converting a stock '07-'09 Cobra GT 500 into the Eleanor Style? Also, will this conversion de-vaule the car or increase in value? P.S. Here's a link of the '05 Mustang Eleanor...
