Recent content by Ke1130

  1. K

    WTB 1996 bright tangerine orange

    Seriously! Prices were crazy on everything for a min these included but they’ve started coming back to reality like this one just posted.
  2. K

    Vegas says Good Bye to the Frontier Hotel

    No worries it brought back some memories! I wonder if any other members were there it was all everyone was talking about while we were in town. I saw it from the top of a parking garage across the street.
  3. K

    Vegas says Good Bye to the Frontier Hotel

    That was back in 2007 I was there it was fun to watch.
  4. K

    Ex Wives

  5. K

    WANTED: 03-04 cobra seats

    Not mine. Saw this dark charcoal insert set up in Daly City.
  6. K

    Knee Question - Meniscal Tear

    I tore mine at 19 crashing a snowmobile so just speaking to my personal experience. After the accident I couldn’t put weight on it for several days but eventually slowly was able to put weight on it then everything was back to normal. Every few months after I would bend it or twist it weird and...
  7. K

    The I want it, who has/had

    I owned 4 of them. Fast as hell and they ride great were very reliable for me. Downside was the air shocks which made them ride great but were expensive to repair and the spring conversion made them ride way rougher.
  8. K

    Bronco Raptor stock performance

    That’s awesome congrats!
  9. K

    Bronco Raptor stock performance

    How bad was the resale on the Bentley? Were you able to get a decent deal on the braptor?
  10. K

    Ugly car corral

    The prowler
  11. K

    WANTED: Oxford white/Sonic blue Tx

    Yeah the undercarriage on that car is really rough.
  12. K

    Finally looking at getting a Cobra, but wondering about price.

    Correct my bad I thought op said it was an 04.
  13. K

    Finally looking at getting a Cobra, but wondering about price.

    But even on BAT the prices are pretty consistent with what people are telling you here 30-35k. An 04 redfire with 23k miles sold for 32k and an 03 with 12k miles sold for 40k. Any of the higher priced ones are the more sought after colors. I’d offer her 30k and see what she says. Does the car...
  14. K

    WANTED: Sonic Blue Cobra

    Could this be the one?! Last one with lower miles on eBay sold for low 50’s I think...
  15. K

    WANTED: ISO Coupe

    Not mine. @LS WUT i would’ve posted this to your wanted post but doesn’t sound like what you’re looking for.
