Recent content by HillbillyHotRod

  1. HillbillyHotRod

    Crazy Shit / F’ed Up Thread

    Holy Fook.
  2. HillbillyHotRod

    Son’s racing career update

    Is that one of the Busch kids listed there?
  3. HillbillyHotRod

    **** Around >>> Find Out

    They work great. We have a apeman and it caught us getting rear ended. Heard brakes screech and then the bump. Was no damage but we did get hit and it was on video.
  4. HillbillyHotRod

    Clone Your Dog...... Or Cat.

    Question? Even if you clone him and get the exact same dog, will the temperament be the exact same? A lot is based on experiences so unless you do exactly the same as the previous dog the experiences will be different. Say first one chases a rabbit and cloned one does not, that will be a change...
  5. HillbillyHotRod

    **** Around >>> Find Out

    What could be worse then the lathe thing?
  6. HillbillyHotRod

    Taiwan Makes American Trucks Great Again!

    Dang nice. Wish they did that to the 50.s era cars
  7. HillbillyHotRod

    lets see all the hot girlfriends/wives!

    Isnt he one of those doing the rap crap?
  8. HillbillyHotRod

    The HARD TRUTH about EVs

    So for year have lost 2.8 billion. Not bad keep it up Only a $3,000 markup on the reg F trucks sold
  9. HillbillyHotRod

    The HARD TRUTH about EVs

    Would be ok if the money actually went where it would do some good. BUT NO goes to stupid upstart companies that go belly up within a couple of years, where you can bet those starting these companies are living it up somewhere.
  10. HillbillyHotRod

    Crazy Shit / F’ed Up Thread

    Roads are getting more dangerous every day. Last trip into town had two people cut me off just so they could get one spot ahead even tho there was plenty of room behind me. Then had one flat out run a red light. Light had been red for at least 2 seconds. And this is not a great urban area.
  11. HillbillyHotRod

    Feel good pictures / videos

    It is a wonder how she went from heels to flats while on a skateboard.
  12. HillbillyHotRod

    The HARD TRUTH about EVs

    Lol She bought it after owning another EV and then when she got the settlement went out and bought another EV. Cannot fix stupid On a side note are there no craftsmen in the auto repair industry who could not fix or fab a stupid hinge? Seems like it would be a lot cheaper then paying $53k to...
  13. HillbillyHotRod

    U.S. House Passed Bill to Stop EPA’s Tailpipe Mandate

    Not all. Mine, Sen Cotton came thru with a snag I was having and got it done. State pols have been good also. So some at least do care.
